Thursday 5 January 2023

That was a wet afternoon!

This was a bit of a surprise on social media. It was a really nice morning, Jan. 3rd. Dry, roads clear. I posted it to my timeline and told friends on Facebook that it wasn't us. The author of the FB post was driving and saw it happen. There is, of course, much speculation online. The witness did not see an animal. The bottom line is they are fine. 

It is a lovely home, and long frontage, with pillars on either side of the drive. (Google maps)

Dashcam, JB went into town.

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We had rain yesterday afternoon and all night. It was like a November day, hovering around 1, and overnight to 0 C. Mother Nature is not sure what she is doing. This morning it is -1, and the back deck is all ice. There were 12,000 without power at 5 a.m. We had 25 mm (1") rain. The snow is mostly gone. 

My camera has a friend. It looks like a spider, active in the warmer weather. It looked like ghosts, at first!

I saved a video of it!

spider web! from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.

We stayed indoors and dry, watching the events south of the border. Ain't politics grand?! NOT.

I switched this camera to the backyard. Richard Deer


Richard deer from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.

I'm trying to capture bunny on it. Richard is the star, however. Diva... 
We'll have a good chance of identifying him, even after he loses his antlers, because of his demeanor. He is obviously alpha male! 


Anvilcloud said...

Daughter has to drive to Perth this morning . 😲

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari Om
he sure is a handsome dude! YAM xx

David M. Gascoigne, said...

It's amazing that there were no serious injuries (or worse) from an accident like that.

Barbara Rogers said...

I love Richard Gr...Deer. He is so handsome. Glad the occupants of the car got out almost ok...what a crazy thing to happen. Yes, our GOP representatives are proving how little they can govern, being dead-set against government.

Tom said...

...what an accident!

William Kendall said...

Ouch on that car.

Karen said...

The mum might have momentarily looked over her shoulder to reprimand a kid. A dear friend of mine lost her life in a crash that way.

DeniseinVA said...

Good to read those people survived that horrible crash. From the damage to the car they are very, very lucky. Fascinating effect of the spider. Your videos are always fascinating and the deer ones, beautiful animal. Politics, well, what can I say? Other than it seems to have started the year off in a kafuffle. Same-oh, same-oh!

Elephant's Child said...

Glad that the injuries are minor. I would MUCH rather watch wildlife than politics. Any time.

RedPat said...

The weather was horrible here too but it never got cold enough to freeze. I will be glad to see some sunlight.

Patio Postcards said...

Thank goodness no one was hurt in that accident. I am sure the police crime scene folks will have a look for breaking points etc. And most thankfully, no animals injured.

DrumMajor said...

Richard Deer's owie is healing nicely. Linda in Kansas

Cloudia said...

Thank you, Dear!

The Furry Gnome said...

That American politics is something else!

Gill - That British Woman said...

It's funny you should show that accident, as hubby was saying just today on his way home there was an accident on the 400. He couldn't understand how or why it happened. He was confused by it all. Could be one of many possibilities why someone has an accident.

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

Uggh, American politics. I watched a little bit of the Speaker of the House speaker of the house goings on. I wonder how long they are going to keep on with the farce. One of our proud new Oklahoma representatives is one of the people holding things up.

Your trail cams sure capture lots of interesting stuff.

Divers and Sundry said...

Yikes! It looks like quite the wreck.

I've been glued to the C-SPAN coverage of the House Happenings. It does not bode well for the next 2 years :(