Wednesday 7 December 2022

Things 'r hoppin' πŸ‡

Things are hopping here. 

bunny & deer from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.

Everything's hopping, except for JB who has to be lying down on the job, at some point (see below!). We anticipated rain, but we continue to be the stone in the river. We had only 0.7 mm. The rain goes all around us! We haven't planned much outdoors! 

We watched the township meeting by Zoom. They voted to defer the decision on rezoning to permit a gun range until all the information was in. Probably a good move, for complex reasons. It is agony for all of us, though. Evelyn Harford has a new article in the Perth Courier.

😷PROCESS OF MANAGING PROSTATE CANCER PART CIV – Last minute Bone Density Scan #7 Wed., Dec. 7th. (Appointment #104 – if you are counting.) 

They are backed up for a year at our local hospital, 15 minutes away, and he was supposed to have one in October. The tests are only valid for 6 months, we've been told. It is a snapshot in time of the bone mineral density.  His bones are deteriorating, with his cancer treatments. They had a cancellation in Smiths Falls, and he was good to go. 

Thing is, the woman who called Monday to book the appointment said it was Tuesday, but the automatic reminder voice phoned and told us it was Wednesday, Dec. 7th. I don't know if I misheard, or she misspoke. Whatever. Fortunately, I'm not fired as a personal assistant. 

I phoned again, left a message, but they didn't phone back. JB went anyway, just in case. They don't work on Tuesdays. Sigh. His appointment is Wednesday. Today. Happily he can go one his own, I don't have to drive him. Unlike driving into the city!

Bone Scan #2 (Fri. Sept. 19, 2014) Here he is in 2014.

πŸ₯€ I am working on a planter design for my amaryllis. I've had some pretty flowers in the past, which I've put outdoors in summer. This one was a challenge. I had to tie it to the chair to keep it standing.

I ordered paperwhites, as well. In 2018, I put paperwhites in the rabbit. I've been looking for said rabbit planter, but I vaguely remember breaking it.  Ain't old age grand?! 

You'll notice they get fairly tall. I read that you can slow down the growth by watering it 1:7 cheap vodka to water. I think not! That, and the fact that you cannot regrow them. I tried. It is a lost cause. 

I might go buy some smooth river stones. I ordered two bulbs. One bulb arrived and it is beginning to put out a bud. I best hurry. Maybe I should just buy some potting soil. 

This is the amaryllis that arrived first. You can see it is ready to go. I filled a punch bowl with rocks, and then some marble eggs. You are supposed to keep it in the dark until the roots are strong enough. We shall see. In the meantime, I'm growing a liquor bottle!

I had choices for the paperwhites. I went with a vase. 

This is amaryllis #2. Don't ask what colours they are. I forget. Either way they will be a bright spot of colour in the cold, dark days. 

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We are still watching Agatha Raisin on Amazon Prime. It is a fun, light mystery, with lots of silly jokes and puns. Just what we need. Eventually, we will move on to Three Pines, which has just been released on Prime

πŸ“˜ For bedtime reading, Louise Penny's latest book will be under the tree for me, once we get set up! I am anxious to see how her books translate to video. 

I am still finishing Go Tell The Bees That I Am Gone. It is a hefty 800 pages. 


Tom said...

...let's hope that the cancer treatment goes well.

Patio Postcards said...

Hopefully you'll get a full flowering crop of paperwhites & amaryllis. I've seen on Beck's website that they have very pretty pot attachments to keep your amaryllis upright, sort of a cage work with characters to look as thought they are climbing up the stalk.

I love the bunny in with the deer ... your trail cam picks up a lot of detail.

Anvilcloud said...

I couldn’t get into Agatha. That actress will be taking on a serious role in Shetland next year. We’ll have to see how that goes with the change in characters.

Barbara Rogers said...

What fun with indoor winter flowers. Last night I threw out a coleus that I was trying to root, it also had white fly fungus growing on it. I had thought that fungus came from the dirt I used...because so many of my plants had it last year. But I am apparently breathing the stuff. Anyway, so glad you will have brightness during the long grey days!

Kathy G said...

Too bad about the gun range decision.

Mae Travels said...

Medical procedures are so stressful! I hope things get sorted out. Here in the US we think it’s better in Canada, but maybe not.
For sure, we have long waits for tests and appointments, even critical ones.

best… mae at

William Kendall said...

The wascally wabbit doesn't mind the deer.

RedPat said...

My Amaryllis bulbs are doing nothing yet.

eileeninmd said...

I would like to try to grow the paperwhites or Amaryllis, both are beautiful.
I hope all is well with JB's scan. Good news the rezoning for the gun range has been deferred. Take care, enjoy your day!

Divers and Sundry said...

The continuing gun range issue is stressful, I imagine. I hope he gets good results on the bone density scan. I keep getting reminders to get mine done, but when I try to schedule am told the doctor hasn't sent the order. *sigh* It's been ages since I had an amaryllis bulb. I remember them being fun to watch grow and flower. I watched the 1st 2 episodes of Three Pines last night and enjoyed it. It's just the kind of odd I like lol

Nancy J said...

Your are a superb writer, as I can just imagine being there, the Amaryllis, I had one white one flower this year, then it fell over!!! Your one looks so stunning.

Elephant's Child said...

I am glad that a decision about the gun club has been delayed (frustrating as that is).
I do love bulbs. And amaryllis are beauties.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari Om
Oh your flower pots will be a wonderful thing to gaze upon. I ought to get myself organised with something like that... YAM xx

Karen said...

My amaryllis is still under a bucket on the basement floor. As soon as some growth starts it will be uncovered and brought upstairs. The prices on them are quite good this year so I'll maybe buy another one or two. I don't remember what color this one is either. It didn't bloom for a couple of years then went crazy last year!!!

Red said...

I have a bone density test every two years.

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

Nice to read the gun club decision has been put on hold. I hope the bone scan doesn't show deterioration. I also hope your paper whites and amaryllis do well this year.

Elizabeth Edwards said...

gorgeous bloom. i wonder what it is like in your city verses ours. a lot of tailgating around here. no fun there. can't believe we have started another week. so wild how time flies. getting all my Christmas preparation in order, hoping i am not forgetting anything ...guess we will see??! lol. u take care this week. be well. ( ; ( :

Kay said...

I remember growing amaryllis and paperwhites in Illinois. Your amaryllis is beautiful.

It took me a while to finish Go Tell the Bees that I Am Gone too. I enjoyed it though.