I take great enjoyment in finding out what my blog friends are up to. I live life vicariously through others, and enjoy their travels. Aside from that, I like to read their thoughts and opinions, especially if it makes me think. Some bloggers don't allow one to disagree, that is a shame. I appreciate the value in gathering thoughts, digesting what has happened, and organizing one's thinking. Too many people are influenced by confirmation bias, whereby they only accept that which confirms their opinion.
Then there are the crazies
I read some things about MAGAs that explains some of their behaviour.
When you have no capital, no assets and no status, the only thing you have left is your status in society by being white. Trump spits on various minority groups, women, the disabled, and BIPOC groups. That makes his MAGAs feel better.
Martha Acuna: social capital is all MAGAs have. Poor white people buy into this rhetoric. They believe the conspiracy theories, and the ignorance and lies.
There is a deep-seated, racist, misogynistic, attitude in the courts, as well. Blaming the victim, charging women with having an abortion, even after they miscarry. These aren't rich white people, they are victims of incest and abuse, in poverty, who receive judgements by the upper class judiciary who do not understand their lives. There are 400,000 children in foster care in the US.

Women don't even know they are pregnant until about 6 weeks. Even if the pregnancy isn't viable, and if the mother's life is at stake, many religions see this act as positive.
Rep. Mary Miller actually stated, after Roe V. Wade was overturned, 'the historic victory for white life in the Supreme Court'. This is the truth those without funds, those who most need this healthcare, those with ectopic pregnancies, women carrying a dead fetus, or raped by someone and do not have healthcare. I listened to a podcast at 3 a.m., and I was shocked.
Canada Day is July 1st!
Talk about crazies! We are anticipating potential chaos on Canada Day in Ottawa. Traditionally it is a fun concert with bands, speeches, celebrations.
JB went into town and spotted this. It was parked in town. The drag on your car is enormous, costing you precious gas money.
flagged car from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.
OK, thanks for reading and letting me rant and vent! I feel better. I know nothing changes, but we should be so grateful living on this continent.
The distance between rich and poor widens. Be kind. Listen.
...Blogger can be a challenge, but Sunday morning was trainwreck!
Thank you for this post!
Rant all you need to...I have been on constant rant since the decision on women's bodies was announced. I am terrified we are headed in a very scary direction...especially after returning from a third world country! I am completely expecting society to go back 100 years at this point but it is motivating to get people to vote if nothing else! HUGS
Hari OM
One thing I have noticed with a couple of you regulars at my place is if you use, by habit, irregular characters (like your smiley face) it may cause issues. These are the sorts of things the algorithms are search-destroy alert for... I just have to check for spam comments every day now to ensure none slip the net - or get binned who ought not to! YAM XX
It feels good to rant. I am not happy with the way things are going right now, I would never have thought we would be going back in time. Knock on wood, I have not had many troubles commenting. Take care, have a great day!
There is so much crazy in the world just now. It makes my head spin.
Sometimes a rant is essential. And I agree with you. Conservatively speaking 10000 per cent. A sad day for America.
I receive a few comments each day which don't post, and I have to go looking for them in the list of comments but only see that they hadn't posted on the far right where a check appears.
I won't even go into women's rights...but it is a civil rights affair, nothing to do with babies...and it was timed to keep us from the information coming out of the Committee to Investigate the Jan 6 insurrection.
Rant all you like Jenn. It is good for your soul. Even down here our politicians are getting in, one saying on Social Media. " This is a Good Day" then it was taken down, no doubt by his superior. One leader in the Opposition has vowed if we are under his leadership, nothing will change. Who do you believe? Have a good day up there, leave the flags off your car, too much drag in the wind!!!
It's election day here in the States. Oklahoma has two senate seats up. One full term seat. We have Lankford the incumbent who campaigned on January 6 to not certify the election, and then changed his mind during the riot. Can't vote for him since he violated his oath of office. One other guy, who says that he wants to arrest Dr. Fauci, try and then execute him for mass murder. And then a lady who is running for Senate for both Kansas and Oklahoma. She actually came to the house and chatted. I think she is running on the boobs and guns platform. She was showing lots of boob and talking about guns.
The other election for is for the unexpired term of guy who is stepping down. I kid you not, 13 people are running. They are all trumpers, they are all crazy. So I guess that I am not voting for a senator today,
The whole country is crazy and I am sad to see Canada slipping into the foolishness.
Venting, yes! It helps. The need of the right wing fundamentalist dominionists to impose their beliefs on the rest of us is maddening. I'm watching the hearings, and though most of it isn't new some of it is revelatory.
I'm only having trouble commenting on one blog. It has a "sign in to google" button that just kicks me back to the same button.
I;'ve had trouble all week trying to leave you a comment. Some days there was no comment box and some days I simply couldn't comment. I feel bad when you visit and I can't leave comments. I'm with Tom. Sunday I couldn't link to Monday Murals, so Sami had to do it for me. Then my message went to spam.
I hope you don't experience the problems in Ottawa on Canada Day, but I fear these nutjobs will come over the border in full force. I must have missed something. I thought the RCMP was supposed to protect Trudeau.
Feel free to rant. I applaud you for doing so. I fear it's about time for me to speak up, too. I am so mad about the Supreme Court in my country. I get worked up every time I hear someone on TV talk about it. The only way WE have to change it is to go to the polls.
I noticed the other day that I had to do captchas to access my own blog. A couple dozen times and it still woild not allow me. Later in the day it cleared up.
It sickens me when you here people talking with jubilation about the overturning of Roe vs Wade.
Love gyour vents and rants!
Jenn, is the captcha one of those check the "I'm not a robot" boxes? I find that you can just ignore those and click on "Publish your comment." It will without the captcha.
The crazy truck drivers are treated way too well in Canada. When they went to DC, they were only allowed to drive around the beltway, and eventually they got tired of it and went away. But there's no end to the crazy Trumpies. They have a lot of lying to do now to catch up with the sworn testimony in Washington. The demise of democracy is only one of the world's big problems now. Soon global warming will make the others look trivial.
best... mae at maefood.blogspot.com
Hope Canada Day is peaceful in Ottawa
I haven’t been asked to fill out a captcha for quite some time.
Everything you said -- yes, yes, and yes. Our country is really scaring me. (I initially mis-typed "scaring" as "scarring" -- and I think that's true, too.)
I hate catpcha!
Way too much craziness for me.- Margy
I've been having such trouble with my commenting and having it come up as Anonymous when I use my phone or iPad.
I am really, really upset with the overturning of Roe vs. Wade. Our country is going down the tubes. And now the Supreme Court is attacking climate change. It's pathetic.
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