I created a plan. I texted it to Jos and Momma ,and they approved. (Isabelle never answers her messages!!!!) I know Jos spent her first day of vacation in her solarium reading, so we won't schedule the day too much. They really hung in after a few blips over the school year.
I used to have a lot of special education students integrated in my classrooms. I would often put our work for the day (Language Arts and Math) on the board, and let the kids tackle it as they saw fit. The faster ones would finish and then read, or do artwork. They would help the ones who need support, if they chose to do so. It gave them some freedom and independence, as well as choices. I would leave the math text up on my teaching podium, and the student who was done first in the group of four would check their work. They were responsible for checking the other kids' work. They would help those having difficulty if I was busy. It was so sweet.
Sunday night, after dinner, we watched a Border Security episode for posterity. It was funny. The ads are the best part, though. Apparently, they watched previous episodes of Loki, and the parental unit has strict orders NOT to watch it until they got home!
Next, America's Got Talent, which we'd taped and saved for them. There are some funny acts, some gruesome, some poignant ones, as well. Isabelle really liked the choir. It was moving, she thought. "I like Gramma Camp, where we can watch uplifting people!"
Usually, if it isn't a school week, the girls sleep together downstairs on the queen-sized mattress. Grampa made a decision to keep Isabelle in the upstairs room, to save my energy going up and down stairs at night, assuring lights were off and girls were sleeping. They do tend to talk!
The girls have been wonderful, offering to help with lots, dishes in the dishwasher, etc. I saw Izzy stirring around 7 a.m., and she slept in a tad after that. She chose waffles for breakfast, and went downstairs in her new hoodie. She thought Jos might sleep in until 10, so I suggested she open Josee's curtain downstairs.
Iz had breakfast out front.
She put on her new hoodie, 'women in science.'
Breakfast done, Jos sketched, Izzy sketched and then read. Jos did some reading.
Later, Izzy helped me clean the pool. The dead leaves from the LDD caterpillars have been flying in the winds. She helped put some pool salt in the pool. It was warm, so Isabelle put on her suit, then blew up her pool toy. She didn't get any deeper than her waist. The well water is so cold!
Cinnamon looking cute, while Izzy and I did some outdoor chores. |
We had a lovely chat on the bench swing. She is a fascinating font of facts about birds, and the differences between male and female colouring. "Gramma, did you know...?"
Isabelle did her Diamond Dotz for awhile.
Outside, Isabelle and I talked about the eastern comma butterfly.
I didn't tell them about our tree frog.
It looks like this tree is growing new leaves after the LDD caterpillars stripped it. Thursday vs. Monday.
Grampa had an idea. How about they go find some videos, and then go for a walk by the canal.
They came home, quite warm, and Izzy and I went for a swim. Jos declined.
Momma robin is a bit worried, but she's doing well. They ought to hatch July 7th. Isabelle told me that often 2nd broods don't do so well. Then we skewed the conversation to having lots of kids. In the old days it'd wear women out.
Josephine practiced her French Horn. We totally forgot about her 4 p.m. virtual lesson. Dang! Momma phoned, and reminded her. Whew. Izzy and I were lounging in the pool at the time.
Otherwise, a great day, had by all. I konked out by 10, barely able to keep my eyes open!