I really admire her. In a male-dominated business world, she fought hard and long and smart.
After a period of time on food stamps, as a newly divorced mom, she created a business, Vulcan Wire, selling bailing wire.
Now, you may wonder how interesting such a memoire could be, but she really has balls! Guts and determination. I couldn't believe what she did, and how she made it through these awful glass ceilings in this male world.
I ran out of library books, and I was quite eager to finish. It's a great read!

...I wish that politicians in Washington had some balls.
Interesting! I think I'd like to have just 1/2 her energy. :) Thank you for providing a link to her website. And thank you for reviewing!
What an impressive true story! I admire her gumption.
Appreciate you sharing news about this book.
All the best Jan
Sounds like a very interesting memoir. Good for her!
When I was an elementary principals (I was in my mid-30s) the superintendent who hired me would pick me out in principal's meetings and tell the others (mostly men) he wished they had the balls I had in dealing with difficult issues. I was secretly honoured, but publicly embarrassed. - Margy
Thanks for pointing this one out!
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