Saturday 4 February 2017

Wetland walkies: World Wetlands Day

I missed celebrating World Wetlands Day here on the blog (Feb. 2nd), since we had a horrible massacre in Quebec City. I sent a donation to, they are collecting for the children who have lost their fathers. The funerals were held over two days. It was an amazing moment. [Horrific events spur good deeds]

I went out for a walk in the sun and the snow. It was a good bit of exercise. I saw a few deer, but they ran. Lots of tracks in the snow: squirrels, mice, fox, coyote, the five toed one is likely a marten. Lots of deer beds. They hunker down and chew their cud.


Olga said...

Walks in nature are just the restorative type of thing we all need these days.

Nancy J said...

A walk through the trees, and for me to see your photos, a true reminder that nature is always giving us beauty amid the horror and sadness in so many parts of the world. Lots of tracks, and not a feline companion to be seen, maybe for once a little too cold.

Cat Lover said...

As Olga said nature is what we need right now. Chuck and I went on a long walk this morning. It does clear your head.
Wonderful photos, love all the animal tracks.

William Kendall said...

It looks like you had good conditions for that stroll.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

I did not know about World Wetlands Day until I was reminded of it on Michelle's blog. And now yours. I won't forget again -- I do know about wetlands and appreciate their unique place and the necessity for them.

Walks in nature are my salvation these days.

Crafty Green Poet said...

Lovely photos, nature is such a solace

Debbie said...

really lovely captures of the outdoors - gorgeous blue skies!!! i like your new picture!!

Powell River Books said...

Your wetlands look more like icelands right now. - Margy