Tuesday, 18 February 2014

Daisy and I heard a coyote in the afternoon!

We were in the backyard, enjoying the sunshine on our faces, the birds chirping in the pine tree, just hangin' out on our bench, when we heard a coyote (0:15 sec). Behind me is wetland for many acres.
We have a wolf, bears, and other canines, a fox, coyotes, a mink. We share this forest and wetland with many critters. I'm vigilant about keeping the younger, female cats in at night, but Buster goes outside in the dark and plays.

Daisy, me, coyote howls in the wetland from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.
Daisy and I were sitting on the bench, under the White pine tree, in the sun. She was bird watching. Suddenly, we heard a canine bark. It had to be coyotes in the wetland. Bambi, at the back of the yard, stared in the direction of the sound for about a minute. I picked up Daisy, and took her into the house!

In the meantime, Buster cat thought he could hunt a red squirrel. The squirrel teased him.

Buster hunts a squirrel from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.
I don't know how a black cat thinks he can sneak up on white snow, to go after a red squirrel. He tried, with his sisters cheering him on from the dry deck. The red squirrel was a big tease.

1 comment:

Kay said...

Having coyotes outside would spook me out with kitties running around.