Yet, it is only one in a long line of businesses who are leaving Canada, giving workers the shaft.
Raleigh to stop making bikes in Canada
Toronto Star-18 hours ago

Yet, does it bother you? Especially, when we hear they are moving production to China.
CHINA Chinese toys tainted by lead or made by child labour - Asia ...
12 Jul 2010 – China makes 80 per cent of the world's toys, but it has come under attack for its poor safety record (toxic materials and unsafe working conditions, corruption).
Harper keeps telling us that the economics of the world demand he has free reign over omnibus bills, cuts to environmental laws, but is it the right thing to do?
Idle No More, indeed. I wish Harper would be more idle. Building pipelines across native lands.
The Idle No More movement protests Bill C-45, which proposes changes to the environmental protections for Canadian waterways, as well as the Indian Act, raising fears it will breach aboriginal treaty rights.
It's rather sad that business has so little allegiance to a county other than money.
I just bought a Raleigh and was surprised to see that it was made in China. I know the Chinese need jobs too, but I hate the emphasis on cheap in quantity over quality. Once Chinese workers earn better salaries and working conditions I am sure manufactorers will move on to the next cheap labor market.
what a SHAME, Jenn
Happy Aloha to YOU
from Honolulu,
Comfort Spiral
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