Sunday 12 August 2012

Puppets Up! in Almonte - a grand success



What a grand day.
They threatened rain, but the morning proved to be lovely.
A typical Lanark County day, with clouds building up to an afternoon thunderstorm.

I had much fun with my puppet, Muffin Muncher, who visited with many other puppets!

Here are all of my photos in a slide show.
We are both Media!
I was asked to 'cover' Puppets Up!
Muffin Muncher and I obliged!
This wee one came all the way
from Vancouver, with mom,
 to see the Festival!

ISn't she great?!

This young man was milking a cow!

What was really fun, is that the shuttle driver was one of those brave principals who actually hired me! Don Cramm and I.  We met when we were both OPSTF executive members. I was with Carleton, he was the Ottawa President.

1 comment:

Linda said...

What a cute bunch you are! I love your smile!