Sunday 3 April 2011

Wounded deer

This is one of a pair of deer that visit us each morning and afternoon. We noticed one was limping. It looked sprained, rather than broken. I didn't manage to get a good video of it as it walked, and its leg gave way. I cringed each time.

After a trip across the road to the sugar bush, we noticed vultures circling over our house. I was a bit leery to approach the house, as our Oliver cat had been out all this time. 

He was OK. 
Haven't seen the wounded deer today. The vultures are a bit scary, as are the hawks that patrol. Once in a while, Oliver will skedaddle into the house. Even their shadows are ominous.


Nancy Tapley said...

this MIGHT heal -- functionally -- but probably not fully, so the deer will probably always limp behind, which puts her at a disadvantage. Good news for the wolf pack. Bad news for the deer. This looks like it was caused from a deer/car encounter. The good news for the deer is that she can bear a little weight -- so that is positive... Nature is not for sissies...

You can never take too many pictures said...

Hi Jenn, I had my husband take a look at this and he said it's a definite break! That will not heal!!!!And as we all know, Only the Strong Survive in nature!!!!!