For those who serve, the accolades are pouring forth. Thousands turned up, in uniform for Vu Pham's funeral. Born in Vietnam, adopted by an Ontario family, he was an incredible member of his community, as well as the OPP. It was a wonderful gesture of support for the brothers and sisters in blue who serve to protect us all.
Widow pledges 'forgiveness' as thousands mourn slain OPP officer
Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) Constable Vu Pham responded to a call on North Line, Huron County. He was shot by a man with a long rifle, who later died after other officers came onto the scene.

Family members speak about waiting after shift end for a loved one to come home. Just like military families, seeing someone in uniform at your door causes shock. This woman is a model of the human spirit. Her words of forgiveness, to the man's family who fatally shot her husband, were empowering. I bow in honour.
We are always going to see the results of mental health issues and guns. It is up to all of us to speak up and speak out about such.
OPP lays murder charge in officer's shooting death ...
Seventy-year-old Fred Preston, who was under guard in a London hospital, was been charged with the first-degree murder of
OPP Const. Vu Pham. He has since died.
Such a sad incident. Perhaps mental health issues aren't being dealt with effectively, efficiently, serioiusly? I know a lot of people that have trouble getting the help they need. ~karen
As matter of fact, one of my dearest Canadian friends has significant mental health issues. Recently relocating to Cape Breton, a psychiatric referral was turned down because the one doctor affiliated with the hospital in the area wasn't accepting any more new patients.
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