Monday 6 April 2009

My World Tuesday

Oh my... a blizzard

We are in the middle of a blinding snowstorm. The lake disappears from time-to-time, behind a cloud of snow. Ducks waddle around, looking for hidden food. Ankle deep snow; we anticipate more.

With wind raging, blowing the snow off the heavily laden branches, I felt pity for the poor creatures. Out I went to fill up the bird/squirrel feeders.

This is my world - white with snow, and pissed off mergansers sit on the remaining ice. The ice layer is built up with snow that has turned to slush.
The geese have lost their clover. They are hunkering down at the end of the dock.

I shovelled the dock off for posterity. It just looks better that way! Besides, it is a pretty old dock, with creaks, moss growing in the crannies, wrinkles, bent with moisture and humidity - a bit the worse for wear. Gosh, that is the way I feel!

The cats are grumpy - shaking paws one at a time, wet with snow, in cat-like consternation.

The mice and moles I am sure are happy with the snow cover. It is warm, the clover grows above, and their tunnels are protected by the vigilant eye balls of the cats.

The crocus, however, while grateful for a winter coat in this temporary flash back in time, would probably prefer the sunlight.

The benches, and the two lawn ornaments I rescued from the dark dungeon of the barn, seem non-plussed. This, too, will pass or melt!

The mallards took a post on the raft, looking like little shredded wheat as they became covered in snow.

I did not take a photo of the ducks this afternoon. This is a shot of them early this morning. They were embarrassed to be caught snoozing.


Carver said...

These are beautiful shots but I imagine you're ready for spring to come.

Indrani said...

Cool shots!

George said...

The worst thing about your blizzard is that it extended all the way down here. We had snow here in Tennessee Monday night. We're not psychologically prepared for such things!