Sunday 8 December 2013

Music - in the spirit of the season

Again, I like to save videos I have watched, as I often go back to them. This little girl has had much fame and fortune. I just hope her parents keep a clear head as they guide her through her new life's passage. Too many child stars have a tragic end, as they miss their growth through childhood and adolescence, and skip right into the adult world of business.

I'm not convinced that this video respects intellectual property, but they assure me they have talked to a lawyer, and that their copyrights give them the right to put them on YouTube.
I've had many YouTube videos whereby those who own the music have told YouTube that I am violating copyright and they either are able to put an ad on it, or put on a link to iTunes for the music. They have amazing technology that runs these automatically through some system checker.
I've had videos with, for example, the band at Fort Henry playing old band music while they raised the flag. They ran an ad with it. I just deleted it.
I'm just sayin' –be careful out there!


eileeninmd said...

Wow, this little girl has a beautiful voice! Thanks for sharing the video!

Hilary said...

I think they have the right to place ads because YouTube(Google/Blogger.. etc) is a free service. I suspect we could pay for an ad-free account. I am glad that Blogger allows us to decide whether we want to "monetize" or not.