Friday, 10 May 2013

Mosquito and blackfly season is here!

All insects are essential to the cycle of life.

The birds, bats, crops and flowers need them. That doesn't mean we have to like them!
they do have a purpose!
bug hat

There are many ways to protect yourself.
special deerfly patches

bug suit

deerfly bite


Blackflies like streams and running water.
They are the early risers, as their eggs are good to go in spring.
Prefer cooler temperatures.
Pollinate flowers, such as blueberries.
Cutting mouthpart that cuts skin, the other sponges up the blood. They take a chunk out, like deerflies!
Macro blackfly


Mosquitoes need still water, stagnant ponds, where they lay the eggs.
The females have a needle-nose, which pierces our skin to suck out blood. This is essential, the blood, for them to breed and produce eggs.
As vernal ponds dry up, so do the hordes of mosquitoes, although they can live a couple of months into fall!
They can stand the heat, but don't like the wind or sun!


Have you noticed the Mosquitos are already out! Here is a homemade trap to help keep you and the kiddos from being a blood donor!!!

Items needed:
1 cup of water 
1/4 cup of brown sugar
1 gram of yeast
1 2-liter bottle

1. Cut the plastic bottle in half.
2. Mix brown sugar with hot water. Let cool. When cold, pour in the bottom half of the bottle.
3. Add the yeast. No need to mix. It creates carbon dioxide, which attracts mosquitoes.
4. Place the funnel part, upside down, into the other half of the bottle, taping them together if desired.
5. Wrap the bottle with something black, leaving the top uncovered, and place it outside in an area away from your normal gathering area. (Mosquitoes are also drawn to the color black.)

Change the solution every 2 weeks for continuous control.
Have you noticed the Mosquitos are already out! Here is a homemade trap to help keep you and the kiddos from being a blood donor!!!

Items needed:
1 cup of water
1/4 cup of brown sugar
1 gram of yeast
1 2-litre bottle

1. Cut the plastic bottle in half.
2. Mix brown sugar with hot water. Let cool. When cold, pour in the bottom half of the bottle.
3. Add the yeast. No need to mix. It creates carbon dioxide, which attracts mosquitoes.
4. Place the funnel part, upside down, into the other half of the bottle, taping them together if desired.
5. Wrap the bottle with something black, leaving the top uncovered, and place it outside in an area away from your normal gathering area. (Mosquitoes are also drawn to the color black.)

Change the solution every 2 weeks for continuous control.


Red said...

These are all winners aren't they? I'm one of the fortunate people who are very little bothered by mosquitoes. Black flies ? that's another issue. Fortunately we don't have black flies where I live.

Powell River Books said...

We have been luck at the cabin with mosquitoes. But we do have lots of swallows and bats around the cabin. Maybe that makes the difference. Living on water would make the best (worst) environment for them you would think.

One year we were on a flying camping trip and stopped in Hay River on Great Slave Lake. We tried to walk from the airport to a local restaurant but were driven back by the black flies eating us alive. I'll never forget that.
