Friday, 7 May 2010

Clean up your act

Garbage in and around our lakes, or on snowmobile trails, contributes not only to pollution, but has an impact on wildlife.

These are photos from all seasons of tourists.

Take your garbage home with you!

If you are shooting, understand that your shots will fly  mile across a lake, or into the forest. A neighbour had the siding torn off of the corner of his house, he was standing nearby!

Respect the 'no hunting' signs. There are there for a reason.

I have found plastic, half empty water bottles, half burned logs, planks, and, worst of all, lures attached to lines, wrapped around logs where we swim.

Imagine if a turtle ate the worm on the hook, and spent its life with the bobber on the other end.


Yogi♪♪♪ said...

I don't get it why people cannot clean up after themselves. I have been on picnics with people and when we leave they just stand up and walk away. I go what! They say "oh, there are people who clean this up." With an empty trash can maybe 15 feet away. I clean it up myself and it takes maybe a minute.

My son and I have been on some pretty remote hikes. No matter how remote, there is always trash. I mean if you can carry a beer can in when its full it ought to be easier to carry it out when its empty.

So give'em hell Jenn Jilks. They have it coming.

Jenn Jilks said...

It's true, Yogi! it's not as if there is a lack of garbage cans and recycling places... and careless sportsmen and women are just dumb.

Powell River Books said...

Our Trash Bash in Powell River was a huge success. It is an annual event. Most of the trash collected is not from tourists, but locals. Most of the trash is dumped near town along the power lines or nearby back roads. Our quad club participated and brought in the third most trash. Sometimes we get a bad rap, but use every opportunity to show we are responsible users of the natural environment. - Margy