Monday, 21 September 2009

Bracebridge firefighter competition @ Fall Fair

What a hard job. Especially if you are a volunteer!
These men and women are phenomenal.

What was the best of the fair? Well, the firefighters, of course.

Young studs who were competing; their family members cheering them on. Hauling those heavy rolls that dispense water to burning building, up all those stairs. In full gear, with an oxygen tank on their backs.

The volunteers setting up the course each time one person ran through the course. Everyone working together. I remember working out in the gym in Ottawa. Because of my work hours I would meet the firefighters there. Dedication to keeping their bodies in shape to be able to do their jobs.

Discipline and dedication.

Brave young men and women in our region volunteer their time and services. They are fit fighters. They are the people who came to our door, when we called an ambulance as Mom lay dying. Yes, not just the ambulance arrives, but the dedicated firefighters.

As I decided which photos to post, I thought that they deserved the video, too.

1 comment:

EG CameraGirl said...

I think watching firefighters compete is fun too. They are so agile and strong!