The issue just does not seem to be able to go away. Much has been written about the Bala Falls Hydro Project. Many exhibit the NIMBY syndrome, despite the fact that many communities are vying for such in their local falls.
What appalls me is the newspapers are printing letters-to-the-editor that provide not only false information but misinformation despite info to the contrary. Jeff Mole, whose group arose from the Moon River Ratepayers Association, was a splinter group of the lobby group. The latter wanted NO development at all, the

Many of us received a long e-letter from Jeff Mole. In it he told us he has "recently accepted a position on the executive committee of Save the Bala Falls" and the Bala Falls Community Association is now defunct.
I am not sure how he claims to have been speaking on behalf of all Bala residents. Nor why the Moon River Association has such clout. He says, "On another note, it is my pleasure to announce that the office of the Minister of Natural Resources has confirmed that Minister Donna Cansfield has accepted my invitation to visit Bala on Friday October 2nd, 2009. "
What concerns me is that he has access, as a lobbist, to the ADM at the Ministry, while I, as a taxpayer, have no input rebuking his claims. He is a self-appointed crusader who purports to speak for the town, but he has no authority, nor a mandate as he contacts duly elected officials.
Back in the good old days journalists checked sources and printed news. Now, readers are providing information, and making bizarre comments, and entertaining plans that are impossible. In fact, Mr. Mole has gone to District Council and further muddied the waters.
A friend wrote:
He was chastised for his misrepresentation of the facts regarding a meeting he had with Rosalyn Lawrence the Asst. Dep. Minister MNR, as reported to the Muskoka Today article of July 23rd. I hope in all instances of representation by Jeff, he does not purport to be speaking on behalf of MRPOA.
More information from the District meeting.
Trevor Griffin, Mgr. MNR spoke at length publicly correcting Jeff (by name) at the meeting. Trevor also stated;
- The south falls is not on the table
- The only way the south falls can be considered is if the proponent feels it is a suitable site to build;
- No other group or individuals are under consideration by the MNR other than Swift River;
- The MNR is not considering "pulling the plug on this project"
- His final comment addressed Alice's presentation requesting District write to MNR and have .7 Hectors of N falls area declared a conservation park. He stated the Bala area does not meet the ministry's criteria.
July 22, 2009
At risk of being lynched or labelled as someone who doesn’t care about the fate of the Moon River, there really is a point of view that runs contrary...There are a few of us here in Bala who do not believe the plant will 'ruin' Bala Falls. We need to stay out of the falls, its time has come as it is dangerous. (For all of the responses, see below.)
What now appears in the public domain is a letter on behalf of the ADM, Natural Resource Management Division, is clearing up what has been misprinted.
Letter is as follows:
Dear Mr. Mole, I was disappointed to read the July 23, 2009 article in the Muskoka Today in which a number of points we discussed in our meeting of July 15th have unfortunately been mischaracterized or represented out of context. I thought, therefore, it would be beneficial to take this opportunity to clarify the nature and substance of our conversation. First, let me reiterate what I did commit to in the briefing – that is, to follow up with the project proponents to get their comments and perspectives on several of the issues you raised, in particular the alternative options you have presented. As a matter of courtesy, I am copying Mr. Ian Baines on this email to ensure that he is aware of the scope of my commitment as I am advised the Muskoka Today article has created much concern for the proponents which I would like to assuage. I will be making arrangements to speak to Mr. Baines this week. Second, the point I made about the current site release policy is not that it was “premature” but, rather, that it was designed to support renewable energy projects under a paradigm that existed prior to the province’s Green Energy Act and that staff at MNR were aware of the need to develop options to redesign the process to support the new renewable energy policy environment. In fact, this is currently underway. Third, I agreed with your observation that the Green Energy Act was clear in its support of community involvement in renewable energy projects and we will be very cognisant of that thrust in our redesign efforts.
Thank you.
David Au (on behalf of Rosalyn Lawrence)
Rosalyn Lawrence Assistant Deputy Minister, Natural Resource Management Division Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources
More references...
September 3, 2009 - by Karen Longwell
The Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR) is not “pulling the plug” on the Bala Falls hydroelectric project, despite reports to the contrary.The True Cost of Electricity
August 5, 2009
A recent letter to the paper was headlined “Dam will not ruin tourism in Bala.” A more accurate headline would be “Hydro generating plant may ruin...
July 29, 2009
I am writing this letter in response to Mr. Webb’s claim that the “Dam will not ruin tourism in Bala.” While I appreciate that everyone has the right...
January - 02 A proposed ban on smoking in cars with children is receiving support in the Muskoka region. Parry Sound-Muskoka MPP...
August 20, 2008 - by Karen Longwell
New plans for a hydro project in Bala were met with harsh criticism from some residents at a public meeting last week. “I am disgusted with the artist...
Misinformation in letters to the editor is a serious problem. It's irresponsible. Too many opinions out there!
It sounds like Jeff needs a reality check!
Nice piece of work here and interesting to boot.
Errors and lies what a sensational topic. I am disappointed that you appear to be taking sides or telling only part of the story.
I have taken the “high road” throughout the process and have made every effort to ensure that information and statements that I make are factual. I challenge you to come up with any proof that I have said or published something that is false, misleading or fear mongering.
The article in Muskoka today is largely accurate. Any inaccuracies are minor and the result of editorializing or paraphrasing by the reporter. I have a witness who attended the meeting with me that can verify the accuracy. The comments by Mr. Griffin should be investigated by you further and not taken at face value. The south channel IS on the table to what extent, within the environmental process, is debatable. if it isn't shame on the MNR for writing such a poor site release policy.
It is a fact that the site release process is now under review. We will have to wait to find out if they are more “community friendly” after the review. I am confident they will be. If you wish to comment you have your chance just visit:
I was granted access, as a lobbyist, to the assistant deputy minister, because of my persistence and knowledge on the topic. Jenn, as a taxpayer, you do have input rebuking my claims. You just need to be more persistent and knowledgeable.
I never purported to speak for the town. I speak only for the numerous members of the public who support my initiative. I, like any other member of the public, do have the authority and mandate to contact bureaucrats and duly elected officials on matters of importance to us as citizens. That is the beauty of living in a democratic society.
Members of the public are concerned about the privatization of water resources globally and here in Ontario.
Bala Falls is the subject of a private application to build a hydro facility which may impair a number of public values. These impairment cannot be adequately mitigated. The government should do a better job of considering all the alternatives. Not just the one brought forward by the private company looking to make millions.
An alternative has been proposed by members of the public seeking permission to build a facility that does not impair public values using a Renewable Energy Co-operative not-for-profit business model. See: for details.
If I am elected mayor, I will oppose the privatization of this water resource. Members of council do have the power to stop the current proposal. Let’s hope they will when the time comes.
For those who do not realize, the self-appointed/semi-anonymous 'Mr.Bala', is Jeff Mole, running for office of Mayor in Muskoka Lakes District. He claimed fame by trying to fight the new hydro project. He abandoned that camp. Then, he decided it should be built on the south falls, not the north, and began a lobby campaign for that. Now, he is running for mayor.
He claims to 'rent' property in Bala, his sister's cottage. He has filled in an affidavit that he is a tenant, but he lives and works in Toronto. When the snow emergency was declared in our township last December, Mr. Mole was not in town. This seems if not illegal then immoral.
No one was present at the cottage he purportedly rents on December 11/12. No one could drive north of Gravenhurst as the roads were closed. Only one living here with subsequent power failures and road closures cause havoc in our towns.
I would be excellent to have a mayor who lives here and has a vested interest in ensuring that full time residents, not just seasonal visitors, are looked after 24/7, 365 days a year when rain, snow, sleet or hail.
Gee Jenn, you make it sound like there is something immoral about my wife and I having careers that keep us in Toronto most of the time.
I would love nothing more than to be in Muskoka 24/7, 365. The fact is until the election is over I will keep my career. If I am elected, I will make the "sacrifice" and be in Muskoka to fulfill my responsibilities.
Did you have a specific complaint about snow removal, power failures or the handling of Snow Emergencies? If so, how were your complaints handled by the current Mayor?
For the record, I have not abandoned I consult with them regularly and I wholeheartedly support their efforts to oppose the privatization of Bala Falls. It has always been my opinion that it may be possible to develop the south channel in such a way that does not impair public values. STBF knew that when I joined their executive committee. Also, it has long been my opinion that the resource should be used to benefit public not private interests. Please view for details.
I support the creation of a municipal task force to engage stakeholders in the Bala Falls issue and I beleive a task force is in keeping with the "Muskoka Water Strategy"
I hope you will vote for me and I welcome the opportunity to discuss the issues with you in person. Are you available on Thursday afternoon?
Cheers! Jeff Mole
The images from the snow emergency showed us that all hands had to be on deck. There were many complaints, mostly from tourists, but most 'locals' got together and helped one another. It is the councillors who must take responsibility for such emergencies.
My point is that we need people who live here to take care of the town, to have a vested interest in business, life, make decisions, especially in an emergency.
Your platform is singularly lacking in other issues, i.e., rent geared to income housing, summer housing, and other major municipal issues.
Sorry, Jeff. I just read this Friday morning.
I volunteer Thursdays with an Expressive Arts Therapy group.
I am happy to discuss my position on other issues. I feel I am well versed on most if not all major issues. It may seem that I am a one issue candidate because of my involvement in such a high profile issue.
As I have mentioned in this and other posts your concern about where I sleep at night will be resolved on or before election day.
May I ask you which is your preference; Public or Private ownership of the Bala Falls Generator?
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