Dear Mitz, I know some have asked about her. She is feeling better. We know not why or how. But she is still eating food by raking it out of her dish, and pulling it to her mouth. (See the video below!)
As I stacked 3 cords of wood, and she

I like to give warning. As will all of us, the bugs are terrible this year.
With cool temperatures, and no July heat to kill off the May blackflies, they are still around.
We have now: blackflies, mosquitoes, deerflies, horseflies. Really.
But then, since these cool temperatures help the w
I can tell the fleas are rampant - when Oliver snuggles up at night with me. Unlike normal cat-twitching dreams, he is awakened with a start and has to scratch like stink. Now, normally he cannot bear sleeping with me; he sleeps with my hubby. I have nightly power surges, as well as back issues, and I fling off the covers, burying both hubby and any cats. Or I roll over in a mighty earth-tremour, that rocks the boat, exacerbated by painful back spasms and limiting my movements.

When we took the cats in for their regular checkup, the vet took a fine-toothed comb, and combed them just above the base of their tail. Sure enough, flea poop, along with much loose car fur! It is important to look after their needs.
Sady lets us know she has excess fleas when she become irritable. Hubby will pass by her and she will whack at his ankle.
The solution has been a neat little ampule of Rx medicine, placed behind their necks where they are unable to lick it off. We all sleep better.
Now, all pets must be monitored and supervised when visiting cottage country. You cannot allow your dog to wander; neighbour's pets, and the wild animals, do not appreciate it. In addition, there are many critters (like the fisher - although Sady treed ours, porcupines, skunks) that do not appreciate your pets running around. There may be dire consequences. The critters have regular patterns of wandering for food. For example, the fox runs our road every morning, as does the bear. Rocky Raccoon has a regular lakeshore patrol, but she and Sady have a mutual agreement. They respect each other's right to be here. Don't know why!
Cat's eating habits are bizarre. Oliver makes so much noise, hungry teenager!
Wow! That is bizarre! I have always had cats and have never seen one eat that way. Glad to hear she is getting better though. I guess she has found something that works for her!
We treat for fleas and mosquito bites (cats can get heart worm just like dogs) the same way ... with a little dab on the neck once a month. Keeps away the tapeworm and heartworm.
Lovely cat! My dog Sheba would never allow one, but I had a beautiful kitten for a brief moment of time. Lovely beings! So proud and elegant!
Cute video!
Mitz and Oliver are certainly cute kitties!
Hope Mitz keeps getting better and better.
My post is here: Carletta’s Captures.
love them all sandy
I've never seen a cat eat that way before! How strange. Does the vet know why? I have one that eats from all the bowls, too. In fact she will eat the other cat's food first if they aren't around and then want her own as well....little pig.
We cannot get her to the vet. She has had no shots in years. Last time we tried to pick her up hubby had deep scratches. The time before (to move her here), we had to give her valium. Didn't slow her down much, but I dd capture her in a blanket and popped her in her cage. We have talked to a behavioural vet and a cat whisperer, and have agonized long and hard over her issues.
We simply accept her as she is. PTSD, from her past - attacked by a dog. Hubby can pet her, but he is the only one in the whole world! We think Sady traumetized her, with displaced aggression, combined with poor eye sight thinking Mitz was competition. (Sady was outdoors looking, Mitz in, and Sady bashed at her through the door.) We are just her landlords!
Really lovely cats!
It was fun to meet your cats, especially the paw dipping one. There used to be a commercial for cat food on UK TV where the cat would eat like that. You can see it here
what a beautiful black cat. happy weekend.
what lovely pictures..
I know I've said this before, Oliver is the spittin image of our Stick Tail, except Oliver has more of a tail. We had a rescued cat once that drank with his foot. He would dip it in the water and lick it. My guess was he had to reach into crack in the dry climate in LA to find anything to drink, so it became a habit. - Margy
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