Sunday 5 September 2010

Milkshakes, rainbows, Uncle Rob in Hood

Robin & hubby 
From a trip in the heat of Friday for milk shakes,

to a chilly, rainy morning today.

The sun broke through, and so did a rainbow!

fog dances on warmer water

Last photo in front of the 'Picture Rock'. Robin heads back to B.C. today, where he lives in Campbell River. My brother Rob, our granddaughter calls him 'Uncle Robin Hood', visited us again. The last time was to help inter our parents last month. He works in Musselwhite mine in N. Ontario, operating equipment, blowing things up, and he is on the rescue crew team for the mine.

Brother: Rob in Hood, Jenn
Musselwhite mine in northern Ontario. As a fly-in, fly-out underground mining operation located 500km north of Thunder Bay, it is remote. The only way in, efficiently, is by air. My brother  flies to Hamilton, to Thunder Bay, to the Lake Opapimiskan airport (see the red A!) to get into work. Talk about a commute...

The mine is a 7-8 hour drive (480 km N as the crow flies) from Thunder Bay. They are difficult working conditions. Two weeks in, 12-hour shifts, and two weeks home.
t is a great mine, with leadership in a positive relationship with Native Peoples.


Kathy W said...

Love that little soda shop. I think the only time we see something like that around here is in amusement parks.

W.C.Camp said...

Great pix. Love the cloudy sky and the little shop. Nice catch of the double rainbow! W.C.C.

Judy said...

I love the rainbow!