We drove past Sudbury, and stayed in a motel in Bind River! It is very

The rock cuts are fabulous.
So, here we are...travelling through Ontario's north. I

The country is not dissimilar to Muskoka. There is the same sort of topography: trees, sparkling lakes, bogs

There are also farms, horses, and very few travellers in this, the shoulder season.
It is great country. The people are so helpful. They spent time directing us to the best food, o

Our server, AKA The Wolfman's brother, served us a great dinner of pickerel. Yum.

His tattoo gets

Many campers, and camp grounds in the area. Methinks the folks get worn out.
The signage is a hoot:

Jenn, I've snatched your wetlands picture for my desktop, hope you don't mind!
I've made the trek through Sudbury to Cobalt and down 'round Georgian Bay a number of times, attending music festivals. It's my favorite part of the planet that I miss a lot. Thanks for the flashback!
Thanks for letting me know, Jain. It is a greatly scenic view.
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