Thursday, 5 December 2024

We have snow!

It began slowly, and just kept falling. I did the sidewalk, but it still needs work. 

I decided to switch out the feeders. The tray feeder is fun, but doesn't hold much seed.

Not a great photo technically, but it show both the male and female cardinals at the same time. 

Cinnamon hunkers down after hanging out on the front deck. 

Joe's bears were snow covered, but it kept falling.

They look lovely covered in snow.

The feeders need cleaning off, as well!

The back deck has 19 cm of snow. Some of that has drifted off the roof in the wind, but it still needs to be removed. We could get rain Monday. We shall see. 

Coffee is perking. Then breakfast, and next a bit of shoveling to do. I'll see you on the other side! 


Barbara Rogers said...

Good thing you're in shape to do the shoveling! I love Joe's bears! And Cinnamon's little cat house!

Anvilcloud said...

Rain Monday? I am not impressed.

RedPat said...

You really got snow. We ended up with just a sprinkle which is still on the roofs but melted from the sidewalks and roads.

eileeninmd said...

Nice variety of birds! We had a little dusting of snow here this morning. Take care, have a great day!

Far Side of Fifty said...

I cannot shovel for a few days...but you got this! Pretty snow!

DrumMajor said...

Be careful doing all that maintenance work in your winter wonderland. Cinnamon likes to supervise! Linda in Kansas

tz_garden said...

The snow is beautiful, love the bears!

Nancy J said...

Three words stand out in your post today " Coffee is perking" , you need it after all that snow out there.

DeniseinVA said...

Oh it looks so pretty! I hope you have a snow blower though. I enjoyed your birds. They seem to be the same as ours. We were forecasted snow flurries but it didn't happen. Thanks for your pretty photos and wishing you warmth.

Cloudia said...

Cinnamon has the right idea. I love seeing all of these photos but I'm secretly. Very glad I don't have to deal with that kind of weather here in Hawaii. I liked your lit up bear family! Aloha, Jenn

KarenW said...

We had a pretty good dump of heavy wet stuff last night too. I could barely clean the porches it is so heavy. Michael got the tractor out but couldn't use the blower so he had to push it all. Next week might be quite a bit milder, but we had to get it out of the way before this bit of a cold snap rolled in and turned the mounds into impassable mountains of ice.

Elephant's Child said...

You definitely have snow - which I prefer to our current sticky heat. Love the bears.

Aritha V. said...

O, thank you so much for sharing your snow. And the red birds. Love it

Red said...

That's some brutal weather. You don't need rain.

Val Ewing said...

Oh you got some nice snow!
That is a lot of work...shoveling! Whew.
Those snow covered bears are so pretty at night!