Saturday 21 September 2024

Saturday's Critters

I wonder how many critters I miss. Some are so fast. All I have is the skunk's tail! 

I am having trouble with new Vimeo settings. Bear with me!
We've had 3 Monarchs eclose (at least the ones I have seen!) and I imagine that is the last of them.


An eagle soars, it is tricky following it, but it keeps me sharp!

It's tricky mowing the lawn! I have to watch for frogs and snakes. The frogs always move in the direction I'm going. 
Porcupine in the dark:
 And a sign of fall! This was Sunday, when the Hydro crew began their work.Saturday's Critters # 562


eileeninmd said...

I have not seen a skunk around my yard and I hope I don't see one, lol. Great capture of the Eagle. The Snake is a cool sighting. Great critter images. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a great weekend. PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

Barbara Rogers said...

Great to see your fall colors in your header! Yep, your videos are a bit different size wise this week...but love seeing the little guys.

RedPat said...

I've yet to see geese flying overhead but expect things will change in the next week or so.

Shug said...

Ooooo... It's a good thing that you didn't see that skunk tail spraying. This is interesting to be able to capture movements of nature that you would normally see. I can imagine that following the eagle would be difficult...such gorgeous fowl. Have a great weekend...I enjoyed seeing all the critters.

Karen said...

A lot of birds around here but not seeing or hearing any mammals. Or the turkeys. Lots of hunters back of here, probably scaring everything off. :(

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

You got a lot going on in your yard as usual. We still just have squirrels, rabbits, lots of birds. Trimming the yard last week I unintentionally weed whacked a baby bunny. He was in deep grass and he took off so I don't think I hurt it too bad but I don't feel good about it. We rarely have snakes. No frogs but we have a big fat toad that feeds at night under our backyard light that stays on. I don't trim anywhere near where he hangs out.

Anvilcloud said...

I like the skunk's tail and the mystery thereof.

Elephant's Child said...

That eagle is truly majestic.

Kay said...

Oh gosh! Snakes! We don't have them in Hawaii... at least we're not supposed to.

Anu said...

Hello. Great videos. The eagle is a wonderful bird.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

The eagle is gorgeous! And how neat to see the Monarchs. I haven't seen as many this year. SNAKE...I don't like them but they are out there here too!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

PS Your banner is beautiful with the Fall colors! WOW!

Divers and Sundry said...

So many monarchs! You give me hope for the future. I wish I could attract them here. They used to be a common sight, but no longer 😢

Yvonne said...

We rarely see skunks anymore due to the number of houses being built around us. Sad. That's a lot of geese. I used to see them every year when I lived in Reno, Nevada, but not here. I miss all that honking noise and antics when they come in to land. Some really nice videos, and proof you actually did see a Monarch. They don't always pose for a photo or video.