
Thursday, 15 August 2024

The arthropod and the gutter!

 We had one lay eggs in November, 2022. They hatched into little teeny caterpillars in June, 2023. 


They lay their eggs on the white-marked tussock moth cocoon. 

arthropod from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.

☔The Aug. 11th rainstorm was heavy at times. I took a video of the rainfall, to remind myself to clean it.

rainstorm from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.

We've a storm arriving on Saturday, so Wednesday I took the ladder out, set it up, but had to rest. Back at it, up I went. There wasn't much debris, but the Catalpa tree leaves sure blocked it. I chopped off some of the end of the branches. I'll cut off some more limbs, as they'll fall in there again, once Autumn arrives. 

I sat myself back down, and had a bit of a coughing spell afterwards. This danged disease. 

After I was done, I noticed my supervisor sitting on top of the air conditioner (Cinnamon). Joe's not allowed outside when I'm climbing the ladder. He makes me nervous! I do tell him I'm going up, and report back when I'm done!

😷We continue to recover from our COVID symptoms. Our semi-local hospital, Smiths Falls, has put out a mask mandate due to a COVID-19 outbreak in the surgical ward. Of course, we don't know how many cases we have in our health unit, since our Premier shut all that tracking down. We used the data to gauge our risk and public activities. He is busy trying to privatize healthcare in a country where universal healthcare is a priority.

I went for a bit of me time, a pedicure. I wore an N95 mask. The esthetician told me she'd had COVID twice. Since she has asthma, it took her a long time to recover. I think she said 6 weeks. I'm coming at 31 days. Since I usually get viral-induced asthma, I was not surprised that I coughed after coming home. Thank goodness for the puffer. I cancelled my haircut that I'd booked for today. 

We'd some leftover turkey breast, and I made tacos for dinner. Joe helped me. Then we went back to watching Grantchester. My cough settled down.


  1. I am not sure about gutter talk on blogs. 😇😉

  2. I find it a bit amazing that when I'm focused on something intently, the coughs subside. My breathing might be shallower, but of course those sweet lungs are still getting saturated and just waiting for a chance to seize again! It is nice however to have that lull. Sometimes I can go a whole morning with little coughing again. I do hope you get a chance to get that haircut soon. A friend on Facebook says she's had Covid about 10 days and just now lost her sense of smell and taste. Did you?

  3. Pretty sure you're just old enough to not be on a ladder. Find a person to do that task for you! Linda in Kansas

  4. Nice pedicure! You choose a good color.

  5. I'd be nervous with you up the ladder too.

  6. Those arthropods are fascinating. Thank you for sharing the process and I was fascinated with the videos of it and the rainstorm. A lot of work dealing with the after math, and I am so sorry you are still dealing with that bad cough. Covid is on the rise here. Good to hear you got some well-deserved me time getting your pedicure. Very nice nail job! Also, glad your puffer is working for you. Your meal sounded really good. We have just had chicken with a vegetable salad in pita bread. I have to start watching Grantchester. I keep hearing how good it is. Glad your cough settled down and I do hope it takes a hike real soon.

  7. Pretty feet! Yes I have heard that some people take a really long time to get over Covid.

  8. I love Granchester! Also I adore Catalpa trees though I don't have any near me. My gutters get clogged all the time and it is such a pain to clean out.

    Glad to see you are doing better from the wasp sting. Yikes.

  9. I'm enjoying Grantchester and look forward to more seasons.

    I'm surprised anywhere with universal healthcare would consider giving it up. We'd love to import it. I am amazed at the cavalier attitude with which people treat the risk of Covid.


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