
Wednesday, 14 August 2024

Bugs, birds, frogs, wasps

My cough is less, thank goodness. So is hubby's. Poor Joe! He fetched me some new library books, popped the bill for my ambulance trip during my COVID bout into the mailbox ($45), and brought us home a cooked turkey breast and potatoes for dinner. (I like turkey, he does not!)
My wasp bite isn't so painful. The Benylin helped me. It doesn't look like I've taken Botox to remove my wrinkles anymore! Wise words to remove my ring, but it was too late. I can't get it off on a good day!
I'm a bit worried about gardening now. Dang wasps are desperate for food with the cooler night temperatures. 

My darling daughter sent me a care package! Isn't that sweet?! It was such a delight! 

The tree frogs have mated and the little ones have come all the way up the hill from the wetland, having morphed from tadpole to frog. Can you see it? 

I found another one on the Hydrangea in another garden. They really are adorable! 
And so tiny!

This is an adult who likes to sit one the camera, until the sun comes out and it goes into the shade. It is an older one than the baby on the leaf.

I watched a grasshopper crawl (walk?) all along the deck railing. From one end to the other. They are interesting critters.

Popcorn clouds! We ended up with a downpour or two on Sunday. Silly little popcorn clouds. You gather up your stuff, especially library books, roar indoors, and 5 minutes later, sunshine!

Look at this! While other are sneaking zuccinni onto their neighbour's front porch, I just have one!

I thought the bullfrog had gone elsewhere, but found him on the edge of the pond. They eat little frogs, seriously! I imagine I won't have to move the wee ones down to the frog pond this year.

I have lost my touch. I used to be able to catch these by hand. This old fart had to use a net. Ah, the good old days! 

bullfrog from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.

The hummingbirds will migrate soon. Our wildflowers are nearing the end of their season. I was on the deck, and tried to capture its image, but they are so fast!

hummingbird Aug 11 from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.

The Great Blue Lobelia, or Blue Cardinal Flower, is another favourite of the hummingbirds! It's a native plant, and has self-seeded. I have tried several times to videotape them at these plants, but they are too quick for me. 


  1. Those little froggies are so cute. It's awesome that such little creatures exist.

  2. The care package is lovely. Great captures of the frogs. Take care, enjoy your day!

  3. Glad that the hand is better. I haven't seen a Hummingbird around here in ears.

  4. Loved seeing the hummingbird video! Good work capturing that zipping flight! I wondered about the old wives tale of getting warts when handling frogs...I used to love catching pollywogs and waiting till the grew legs before releasing them from a gold fish bowl. Got warts much later on various fingers.

  5. So glad you're doing better! Your daughter's gift is so sweet. Love the little frogs everywhere. Your liatris is beautiful, mine is already dried up.

  6. Hari OM
    So glad to read you are doing better - love the froggies! YAM xx

  7. ...I love to hear tree frogs, they are music to my ears!

  8. You must be getting better as you're out doing the things you like.

  9. Great video of the Hummingbird. Glad you are feeling a bit better.

  10. The flowers are beautiful! I didn't know big frogs ate little tiny frogs. Might be time for a dinner of frog legs? Linda in Kansas

  11. Delightful post! Loved you catching the frog and seeing the hummingbird. Thanks for all the pretty photos too. Onward and upward on you getting better.

  12. Chocolate and flowers, so sweet!

    We sometimes hear a tree frog, but we never see them here on the patio. Alas. They are cuties. I haven't seen a grasshopper all summer, and we do sometimes get them. Sometimes they get big! You got a great photo! Hummingbirds are wonderful. They are the only bird that'll come onto the patio while we are sitting out there.


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