
Wednesday, 10 July 2024

Life unfolds as it should

I woke at 3 on Tuesday and didn't get back to sleep until 5. When I awoke at 7 a.m., it was from a nightmare where I couldn't insert my card into the bank machine to get my money out. So silly. Coffee helped. We had an appointment at the bank! Our brains work in mysterious ways.

We had a good day. We opened up our new savings account, went to the government office to change my CPP to my new account, fueled up the car, and headed to the Cafe to scavenge salads and a piece of quiche for dinner. Joe is getting his energy back and he went in to fetch the food. He continues to take his 100mg Doxycycline twice a day. Fever and chills are gone. We are pleased with his progress. He is still tired and I am keeping a close eye on him!

Lunch over, I did the lawns. I leave the plants growing in spots for the frogs and snakes and critters. The hummingbirds like the Bugloss. 

With the storm on the way, it was good timing to do it beforehand. We've expect 30 - 50 mm rain. An inch to two inches. We shall see. I may have to do indoor play. Floors need doing. We're on the edges of the 60 - 80 mm point, it seems to follow highway #7. 

There was a pop-up storm Tuesday afternoon, it didn't last long. My work was done on the tractor. It was so hot.  


🐟Aquarium Repairs <= the saga!

July 7th

After filling it, I noticed the same side leaking as before on July 3rd. I redid that corner. It's not a tidy job, but the fish won't complain. The goldfish pond freezes solid in winter. 

July 8th 

I refilled it. Checking it every hour, it seems to be holding. It is a miracle! 
I emptied the aquarium, and tipped it over, anticipating the storm. The kids are coming over on the weekend. They will help me lift it back indoors and onto the stand. 

I am happily cooking with and eating up my cherry tomatoes. Oh, yay fresh produce. It is wonderful hustling out the front door and grabbing handful of them. 

The bullfrog in the goldfish pond is doing well. He doesn't seem to mind the heat. I warned him about today's rain. He looked glum. 

A lovely spider web. They are difficult to photograph! The light has to be just right. You'll have to biggify it! 

I like seeing livecams! Here is one that shows them fixing the Blakeney Bridge! You can see the water flowing under the bridge at times. 


  1. Yay fish tank repair! And hubby's continuing healing! And mainly those fresh picked tomatoes.

  2. So sorry your froggie is glum. Maybe he needs a bowl of flies or crickets. Cute! Linda in Kansas

  3. Those tomatoes, sigh! We're leaving the lake today and headed home to flooding in Lansing. I'm quite sure my basement will be like a pool -- probably more cess than swimming. Very nervous about this. In some areas they had six inches yesterday and that was before the hard rains are due today. Needless to say we are nervous and hoping our neighborhood avoids some of the worst. Good luck with yours.

  4. Fingers crossed about the aquarium.

  5. Ha, I bet the bullfrog loved the rain despite his sour face.

  6. I just had to go out in the rain to buy a new mouse.

  7. I am glad that JB is improving.
    And drooled at those home grown matoes.

  8. Thank you for your nice blogpost. TI like it. That frog just sits there waiting. How has the rain been on your end? Or is the storm still yet to come?

    Over here, we had 20 millimeters of rain yesterday. This summer has been incredibly wet, and the weeds are growing so tall because of it!

    How has the weather affected your garden?
    Sending warm regards from here.

  9. Hari OM
    So glad JB is on the mend... and the aquarium! Can't beat those fresh toms off the bush... YAM xx

  10. When it comes to tomatoes, mine are just starting to bloom.

  11. Nice to know your husband is feeling better and on the mend. Hoe the fix on the fish tank is forever. Like you, I am getting lots of cherry tomatoes every day.


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