
Tuesday, 9 July 2024

Another storm!

 That was a storm. Joe Brian and I were sitting on the back deck reading. I was butterfly and bird watching, and then getting back to my novel: by Ruth Ware: Zero Days. Note to others, don't read the dust jacket for the plot summary, just dive into it. 

I found another caterpillar. It is an Orgyia definita, or Definite-marked Tussock Moth!

Leaf hopper!

The clouds rolled in. To the west storm clouds, to the east blue sky, which slowly clouded over.

The Phoebe nest is right under the deck. Cinnamon likes to watch them from above. He is so funny. 

Eventually, he gets tired. He can't reach the nest, but it's like watching TV through slats.

It began to rain, but Cinnamon headed down onto Fred's deck. Then, it really rained. And hailed! Now, see the plants on the bench ↑? This is where Cinnamon ran to during the storm. He was howling, as the rain was pouring off the eaves. I had to go out and bring him in. Then I had to change out of my wet dress.

I recaulked the aquarium. It seemed better just to add more caulking on the one corner. Here it is in the rain. And Hail.

We ended up with 38mm (about 1.5") and it was a lot. Nothing like the sound of a good rain. Hail is a different story. I had to pull the camera over and under the eaves. 

July 6 storm from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.

The poor Catalpa tree's leaves don't look too happy. The Brown-eyed Susans gave up and bent with the rain.

The other Catalpa tree looks fine.

Back in to watch Wimbledon Tennis. There are 18 courts, and it is impressive. What an infrastructure. Unfortunately, tennis is limited by the heavy rainfall, like ours! 

Look at all the courts they had to cover. Only courts 1 and 2 have a roof. 

After we visit the bank to sort out more of the bank account fraud issues, I'll have to do the lawn. I could have yesterday afternoon but resisted the urge! It looks like Beryl will bring us some rain.


  1. Loved seeing your trees in the rain, kind of moving along with the wind and torrents. Hope all the wildlife recovers, and poor Cinnamon (and you) getting soaked. Thanks for the photos of the storm.

  2. The videos showed up today, even yesterday's. Who knows with blogger.
    That is a lot of rain.

  3. Cinnamon is cute! We could use more rain here.
    Take care, enjoy your day!

  4. We sure have had a wet summer so far. The gardens are loving it. I've only had to water once all season!
    Our pheobe made a new nest over the light fixture on the front of the garage. They raised one clutch there, then the driving rain turned it into a sodden mess. They have decided to abandon that spot for the next lot, if there even is one.

  5. I know you'll be glad to get the fraud issue completely sorted.

    We had a strong rain overnight but nothing like yours! Look at that hail!!!

  6. Hail can be incredibly loud and destructive can't it? Some years ago a hail storm caused millions of dollars in damage in my city. Cars were destroyed, solar panels, roofs, windows...

  7. I think we might have missed that storm, or at least the hail. Apparently we might still get another storm today, but maybe it will miss us.

  8. Cinnamon is funny and dear. I so enjoy our visits. Thank you Jenn

  9. We like a nice gentle rain. Downpours and storms are not liked.

  10. Such cute scenes of Cinnamon looking through the boards at the Phoebe nest. The hailstorm was a doozy! One year we had to have all our siding replaced after a particular nasty one. Fortunately the car was parked inside! Great photos of the tussock moth, and all the others too. Hope you will have the bank fraud issues in the rearview mirror real soon.

  11. Rain with hail :( glad you saved the kitty!


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