
Tuesday, 18 June 2024

Happy Father's Day!

 The school year winds down. Jo (gr. 11) is studying for exams and finishing off major assignments. She has exams at the end of the week. Tough ones, English, physics, and chemistry. Then, an easier one on Monday and she is done for the year! Aster has another two weeks, being in gr. 8. 

It was Father's Day on Sunday. Neither of us here have fathers living. What is really special is having grandkids do Facetime with Grampa. He was out shopping when they phoned the first time. I was out back tying up the Hops Vine some more. I scratched a blackfly bite and began to bleed. I didn't notice until I saw these red spots on the railing, with an ant eating the blood. How weird is that?!

Grampa arrived home, and the kids had gone berry picking. We caught up with them later. Our Ottawa kids traditionally pick strawberries on Father's Day. 

Strawberry Photo Shoot
Caitlin said they were going to try and reprise some old Father's Day photos. This was such fun!


Aster was in the snugly one year. Now she is taller than most of us!

This was a very hot year! Not so much this year, as it was cool.

Back in the day!

And a good time was had by all! Isn't that fun?!

We're in a heat dome, with a terrible heat wave. My lawn tractor is back from being repaired and back good to go. I have work to do today. 


  1. Oooh, watch out for those black flies! Such great photos from years ago and now! A very nice family outing to repeat. Hope the heat breaks for you. Ours is just a-cumin-in.

  2. Happy Father's Day! Traditions are fun, aren't they, especially when they work for the next generation. Fresh strawberries!!! Yummy 😋

  3. Aww such wonderful photos. We usually go strawberry picking around memorial day but this time we couldn't manage it. The days we were free the patch closed due to rain or ripening.

  4. I'd be tempted to lay off the work for a few days, but you are very industrious.

  5. Those archive phots are wonderful to look back on, what does the genetic guru say about the shortest child being taller than the shortest parent, or was it something else a bit similar ???Ants like dead insects, didn't know about the blood.

  6. Be cautious out there in the heat.

  7. That is a great day! Heat, blood sucking bugs ... Does it get any better?!?

  8. I always like to see the antics of your grand daughters. They are a fun pair.

  9. Happy (belated) Father's Day. Loved that romp down memory lane.

  10. Thank you for sharing your Rich and beautiful life with us dear. Aloha

  11. Black flies... = nasty bites!

    We were in the heat too and it was pretty nasty especially when you add humidity.

    I love all the strawberry patch photos! They are wonderful.
    Our Father's Day was quiet also.

  12. We're in the dome too -- or (since I don't know where it ends) at the VERY least, on the fringe. It's not too bad but I don't think I'll be dong a long walk today! Boo on the flies. And loving the berry photos!

  13. Gosh! We haven't been strawberry picking in such a long, long time!
    Wow! I'm glad we don't have black flies here.


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