
Wednesday, 19 June 2024

Birds in the yard!

This is a great place for birding, if you just want to listen to them. I've been puttering around here, putting up string for the Hops Vine. The Eastern Comma butterfly has been back, soon it'll be laying eggs on the plant and we'll have caterpillars. The heat is atrocious on this part of the continent.

Birding from the deck has been great. The waxwings are after the serviceberries out back and front. 

Song sparrows and goldfinches have been bathing.

Apparently they can share the water fountain. The goldfinch is on the extension cord, the sparrow on the middle tier.

These are the birds Merlin thinks it is hearing. The 'waterthrush' may be accurate, I've seen a thrush before. This from walkies in the forest. I have seen other thrushes. I'll have to compare the hermit thrush with this one.

The pileated woodpecker is quite busy in the forest, yelling at someone or broadcasting its territory.

Phoebe has been back eating bugs. I'm not sure if they'll have another brood. The Mourning Doves sure will. They are doing the cooing and flirting thing. 


  1. What a lot of musical sounds around you! The Pileated Woodpecker reminds me of Woody Woodpecker's little song. Tat a tat tat...

  2. I came across a very small dove on the sidewalk yesterday. I don't know what its chances are.

  3. Cedar Waxwings are some of the coolest birds!

  4. The birds here seem to be hiding out in the shade somewhere.

  5. We are expecting the Cedar Waxwings later, when the berries on the Elderberry ripen & the prickly evergreen's berries turn - both seem to be favourites of the CWw. Great photo of the woodpecker, beautiful bird.

  6. We're also having the heat. Our urban patio gives us some birds, even some of the ones you have, but not a big variety. We enjoy what we get and provide food a water to encourage them. You have so many!!!

  7. Thanks for the bird tour! Linda in Kansas

  8. Sorry about the heat. Love your avian visitors though.

  9. You have so many interesting, pretty birds that we don't have here. The mourning doves we do have here though... in abundance.

  10. Merlin tells me a lot of birds are singing when I can't see any -- too much foliage! But that photo of the cedar waxwing is a stunner. Very nice work! Love all of these!

  11. Love all the birds, The Waxwing is beautiful.
    Take care, enjoy your day!

  12. Northern Waterthrush is a warbler (family Parulidae) not a thrush (family Turdidae) - oddly named I know, but they’re the facts, ma’am.


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