Saturday 11 May 2024

Saturday's Critters

 The hummers are back. I'd missed them. They are both at the feeders and at the bleeding hearts.

Fred is doing extensive renos on the burrow under the shed. It has a 3" concrete floor, so I'm not too worried! He chirped at me, trying to scare me away.


Fred in the shed from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.

The arrogant little twerp knocked the trailcam as it went by!

Fred May 3 from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.

Bunny in the dark.


Labbit from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.

Out walking, I spotted a brown creeper. You'll have to trust me!

brown creeper from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.

They are a delight. Unlike nuthatches who go down the tree upside down, they go up the tree looking for bugs! 

This we shall call an artistic video! We get deer after dusk and around dawn. 

deer at dawn from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.

The bucks are growing their antlers back!

Saturday's Critters # 543 <= for more critters.


DeniseinVA said...

I thoroughly enjoyed all of your wildlife here Jenn, but found Fred particularly amusing in his video. Lovely captures of all the animals!

Jim and Barb's Adventures said...

Looks like Fred is getting an attitude! I hope that big buck made it through the winter, I would love to see what his antlers look like this year!

Jeanie said...

For whatever reason, I chuckled with the close-up of the groundhog on the video. He looked like he definitely was on a mission!

RedPat said...

Fred looks fierce up on the deck.

Elephant's Child said...

Hummers? Jealous thoughts. Which is silly because we also have some beautiful birds.

tz_garden said...

Fred is a character! Nice shot of the bird looking for bugs. The bunny looks so cute with its eyes closed, having a little rest.

Cloudia said...

Wow it is all going on at your place! The Hummers are the one thing I do miss about my time in California. Aloha, Jenn

Barbara Rogers said...

Oh Fred, knocking at the camera. Perhaps it makes some noise when it's working...though with all digital, I'd wonder what. Love the eyes of Labbit in the dark.

Red said...

today I was thinking about antlers growing back. I haven't seen a deer for a few weeks.