
Wednesday 1 May 2024

Crumbly Acres turns yellow

The daffies I planted last year have popped up. It looks so pretty beside the driveway, on the bright green grass.

Also out front, I snuck some tulips in with the daffodils. Deer like tulips but not daffodils. 

By the house, my yellow tulips have popped open. I took a photo prior to blooming just in case Labbit or the deer nipped them in the bud! The day after they bloomed.

Out back, the water fountain is on the go. 

It's a little the worse for wear. The photo below right is what it looked like when I bought it! When it warms up I should repaint it. 

Sparrow and golden goldfinch:

Indoors, it is lovely seeing the flowering orchid. I love the pink on the underside of the petals. There is yellow in the orchid face!


  1. Love seeing all those daffodils. So glad deer don't eat them, and you're very clever to bunch the tulips with them. Yellow tulips with dark centers...very yummy, but so are delicate orchids! Happpy May Day!

  2. I love all your flowers! Beautiful orchids.
    Take care, have a great day!

  3. The daffodils and tulips are so cheery! I hope they remain untouched.

  4. You do so well with your orchids. Mine has buds but they haven't opened yet.

  5. I love the splashes of colour. I hope to plant the daffodils and other spring bulbs we bought this weekend.

  6. I saw both tulips and daffs today.

  7. Daffodils are always so welcome, a real sign of sprng. I love your spinners, too!

  8. Thankfully so many of your tulips have survived the deer grazing & look goregous, especially the clump of yellow ones. Daffodils bring such cheer to early spring.

  9. Love your yard and all the colors!


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