
Thursday 2 May 2024

Crumbly Acres has signs of spring

 First, the front window provides entertainment. I am slowly finishing up the last of the bird seed. I was hoping to see the rose-breasted grosbeaks before the bears were roaming. We've a gray squirrel hanging around. I think I can see teats. It is the one I caught on video📹 flinging itself from the bird bath to the feeder. She is persistent. 

I found the Flicker nest! I went back and saw it at work.


Cinnamon and I went out the back 40. First we visited Fred in the shed.

I went back later in the day and saw Fred looking back at me. Can you see him?

On we went. Cinnamon flung himself up the trees.

The wetland is wet, with lots of invasive European Frog Bit growing on it.

Our frog pond used to be covered in it before the muskrats nested here several years ago. 

We carried on...

Here is a better photo of my garden. 

Labbit Cottontail in the dark under the feeder.

The pair of them are fueling up! 

Apr 26 cottontails from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.


  1. Good to see Mr & Mrs Labbit munching on your new spring grass. There's plenty of it for them! Hi Fred, I saw you!

  2. Don't you love the joys of windowvision? Such fun to see the birds and critters. I love your movie of the bunny. He looks very content enjoying whatever tasty thing he is finding n your yard!

  3. Cinnamon is like a dog the way he goes on walks with you.

  4. Cute bunny, I like your flowers!
    Take care, have a great day!

  5. Suddenly, I am seeing tulips in the past two days.

  6. Your walks with Cinnamon are great. We have had cats who would walk considerable distances with us.

  7. You are officially thawed out. Cinnamon lives a good life with all that exploring to do!

  8. Squirrels are so acrobatic and persistent ... we often have them visit the garden!

    All the best Jan


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