
Saturday, 3 March 2018

Is Spring early?

Saturday's Critters # 220 <= visit more critters here!
We shall see. Much of our snow is gone. Friday, March 2nd, we had a skiff of snow. Last night, 2 cm of snow.
Tuesday, on my way to my client's house, I spotted some gray lags!

Thursday, March 1st, I spotted a pair of red-winged blackbirds. By the time I fetched the camera they were gone.
red-winged blackbird: Mar. 20, 2014
red-wing: March 10, 2016

I went for a walk in the forest a couple of days ago. It was cooler, where the snow hasn't quite melted.
Upon arriving home, up above the house: a pair of bald eagles. It was beautiful!

Bald eagles from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.


  1. Hari OM
    Beautiful indeed!!! YAM xx

  2. It sure sounds like early spring. I love to see eagles soaring!

  3. Wonderful seeing the eagles. Snow returned on Friday but is slowly melting away.

  4. Raptors and birds are my favorite neighbors and they visit us often and raise their young in our we only live about a mile from the river as the eagle and the crow flies :)
    You have a beautiful blog and wonderful photos Jenn!

    Have a lovely weekend~

  5. Hello Jen, great video and photo of the eagles. The Grey-lag geese are not seen around here much. Thankfully hubby got our generator working long enough for me to make a few comments. I will catch up on all links and blog comments asap. Thanks so much for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your weekend!

  6. How amazing to see the Eagles! I hope we see some soon here. Enjoy your weekend!

  7. Wonderful photos of our feathered friends ~ not spring in MA ~ wild rain, wind and cold storm with power outages etc.

    Wild storm in MA ~ power outage etc
    Happy Weekend to you,
    A ShutterBug Explores

  8. You may get an early spring but you also may get a terrible surprise if winter comes back.

  9. Awesome video! Especially how they kept flying close to each other. And I couldn't stop grinning when Daisy was letting you know that your attention was mis-directed!!! Cats are so predictable!

  10. Great video. Looks like a mating ritual. My dh had still photos of same that he took in Alaska.


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