
Saturday, 29 July 2017

Frog pond, and other tails

I have a ritual. I'll walk down to the trailcams, exchange the SD cards, and bring them back up to the house. I was bitten by a wasp, and my usual trip to the pond was left for later. Daisy woke up later in the day, after I'd cared for my wound, and back down we went.

Mon., July 24th was our 97.7mm ( 3 1/2") of rain.  The meadow was a pond. The pond had risen. The water was touching the bottom of the dock, as it had in the spring snow melt.
The frog bit (an invasive species, sigh) had sunk under the water.

Tadpole from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.

Bullfrog from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.

Back in the forest, lots of fungus and mushrooms! Then there is the Ghost Pipe, which isn't a fungus, but depends upon other fungi for its nutrients. It is a parasite; it depends on fungi in mycorrhizal relationships with other plants for its nutrients.


  1. I always learn something interesting from your walks and wanderings.

  2. Hello Jen, cute images of Daisy, the tadpole and the frog. Looks like there was a lot of rain, good for your pond. The mushrooms are cute too.

    Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your weekend!

  3. Your Bull frog, wow, his eyes, and what a lot of water there. Must be warm to have the fungi growing. Still a mite cold here at 5 a.m.

  4. Frogs can make quite a bit of noise!

  5. Hello!:) Love your forest views, and mushrooms photos, and the super Bullfrog video. The cute little fellow, does make such a peculiar noise.:)

  6. Wonderful series of images.

  7. Hari OM
    Thanks for taking us along for wander! YAM xx

  8. Sorry about the wasp bite, that wouldn't make my day! Nice to be out and about in nature though.

  9. So is the ritual ( checking trail cams) paying off? We could co with some of your rain. We've had less than 2 in. this summer.

  10. Love frog pond photos ~ and especially the cats photos ~ thanks, ^_^


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