
Thursday, 10 May 2012

The golden goose, the twins, and Fast Eddie, the king

In the background is my goose. Starting to rust, I spray-painted her gold!
My little princes on the throne. Actually, I call it The Hand of God.
My curtain climbers love climbing trees, as much as sitting in chairs. I bought this chair after my father passed away, I drove past it many times on my way home from giving him care. Made from a teak root, we sit in it all the time. As I drove past, it gave me some comfort knowing that the Universe was unfolding as it should. That death and dying is part of life. I heard someone say that life is like a hotel. We check in and we check out. We know it is not forever. How we manage our lives is the important thing.

People stop by all the time to take a photo of my chair! It is chained to the tree, even though it weighs about 100 lbs. We were outside playing yesterday.
Did you see that?

Better than a thousand days of diligent study is one day with a great teacher. -Japanese proverb

My boys seemed to be studying the Eastern Kingbird's style, from their throne!
Wow, can he fly!
Difficult flight to capture.
I'm Fast Eddie!

I'm on my throne!
He's got wings!

♪♫♩ I am the king of glory! 
Rural THursday Meme


  1. I love, love, love that chair! What a marvelous creation it is! And, it looks comfortable too...

  2. haha that's cute....they seem a bit perplexed!

  3. I'll bet many people stop by to look at these interesting items.

  4. i love that chair!

    also, i love your blog/photography!

  5. Love the chair and I can understand why folks stop to look. If I'm your way I'll be stopping too.

  6. Looks like a perfect throne for the little princes. Lots of nooks and crannies to explore. Too bad you have to chain it up, but I understand in this day and age. - Margy

  7. I think it's wonderful you got the chair -- I'm sure it reminds you of your father whenever you look at it -- I hope you have good memories now. :) Thank you for sharing at Rural Thursdays this week.

  8. Love the shots of the cats in the chair!


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