
Wednesday, 9 May 2012

Defensive Driving - the only answer

There are few accidents, more: preventable incidents.
There are many times drivers try to see the contents of my trunk.

I pull over, slowly, and let them pass.

This 500m of highway is a tragic place where wildlife (4 deer, 2 porcupines, two raccoons, numerous snakes, several turtles) have been run over.
Watch for wildlife crossing the road in Northern Ontario – animals who cross our highways without looking first. There were threecollisions involving deer and two moose over the weekend.
The deer was struck on Highway 522 near Trout Creek  while the first moose was hit on Highway 11 near Tilden Lake and then the second moose collision occurred on Highway 17 near Jocko Point Road.

This needless speeding has to stop. Not only that, as I work on my front yard, I see many (young and old!) on the phone, while speeding by.
I call for an increased OPP presence. Prevention, I know, involves person-hours, but that car at the side of the road slows them down.

McMurray Musings: An Open Letter to Premier Alison Redford

Fri., April 27, 2012 – Theresa Wells Blogger/writer, mother, wife - and passionate advocate for Fort McMurray/Wood Buffalo 

Well said, Theresa.
After 7 died in one horrific crash, people are speaking up and speaking out.
 I fear our voices are not being heard. It is one thing for people to choose to speed, another to risk my life, or the lives of my children and grandchildren.
This is a universal problem and a serious issue.
I have written much about speed on land, sea and air on the highways, and lakes of Ontario. I know it is a problem everywhere. On my frontage, 500m of highway, we have people passing dangerously, with deer crossing all the time. They have 500m to pass.

We have roadkill twice a week. I have figured out that the only solution, for me, is to pull over and let the idiots pass. There are no 'accidents', only incidents. Most of these are preventable. People continue to pass two vehicles or more at a time.
I shudder.

Girl seriously hurt in south Ottawa crash
West Quebec crash kills 4
Fatal motorcycle crash witnesses sought

Driver injured in collision

April 30th, at approximately 6:15 a.m., the Lanark County Detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) responded to a two vehicle collision on Hwy. 7 just east of Perth in Drummond/North Elmsley Township.
Preliminary investigation indicates that an east bound 2008 red Dodge Charger collided with a west bound tractor trailer carrying a load of steel. As a result a 47-year-old male driver was trapped in his vehicle and was extricated from his car by members of the BBD&E Fire Department.

In a culture addicted to speed, no remorse and no responsibility
Inquest: Alli first misled police about who was driving, then fought the charges at trial, then mocked the seriousness of going to jail in a Facebook post, calling it a “vacation,” then urged his friends to help him whoop it up “big time” at a going-away party
STOP! Or it could cost you. The City of Ottawa’s Selective Traffic Enforcement Program (STEP) is cracking down on motorists who run red lights or fail to comply with stop signs in May. The initiative is a part of their ongoing commitment to keep the city’s roads safe.

Road fatalities renew twinning call | CTV Edmonton

 – "It is an issue that has been much discussed and too often, at least in our minds, ignored," said Fort McMurray writer Theresa Wells in an open letter

Ontario car crash kills 11

7 Feb 2012 – The crash occurred at 4:45 p.m. at Perth Road 107 and Line 47, according ... Ontario traffic accident further proof 15 passenger vans are 'death


  1. You haven't mentioned it , but as a senior I can. Seniors should be tested yearly and at an earlier age. In fact, all drivers should be tested. They may be able to keep some of the idiots off the road and may get to some of the idiots to improve their driving.

  2. I do the same thing, I pull over and let them pass. I'm not on my way to work or anywhere else much.
    However, I've decided to rent a car in Vancouver tomorrow. I'll mostly be driving in my well-known suburbs, visiting my family, but tomorrow I'm picking up the car at the airport and driving right into the city. I'm hoping most of the traffic will be heading in the opposite direction.
    I don't drive at night any more, except here in our little town where four cars constitute a traffic jam.
    However, my husband drove up to Fort McMurray the day before that horrendous accident. He said the people in Fort Mc were all terribly upset by it. Someone was passing on a double line and hit an oncoming vehicle with five people in it, killing three of them, including a pregnant woman.

  3. The roads are full with sick drivers - drivers with eye problems, drivers addicted to drugs or alcohol, drivers with mental issues.
    Unfortunately,too little is done about taking these people off the road.


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