
Thursday, 23 February 2012

Mother would never believe it!

Not only did I manage to find the patience to keep impatience all summer, I've kept them going indoors all winter!

Mom would be so proud of me! She adored this flower. She ordered 4 flats, some as Thank Yous for friends who helped look after her in her few weeks of palliative care. I duly planted hers, and gave away the others to her neighbours who had brought mail, done her banking, fetched the newspaper for Dad.

She set her 5 window boxes around her frog pond.

Mine are so pretty. The warmth of the sun has massaged the plant, and our passive solar heating, a lovely bay window, warms us up in the heat of the afternoon.
 Mind you, I think I brought some friends in. Can you SPOT her? (Excuse the pun!)
A 20-spot lady beetle

here is a closer look!
I dug out my handy bug catcher and for the last few days I've been catching them and setting them free!

It rather makes me feel like spring, indoors!
I took a close-up video, they are fascinating as they trot along. They are easy to capture. The moment I touch them they just DROP, abandon ship and let go, and plummet into the bug catcher underneath.
Are they ever hard to video with the macro-lens! This is through the plastic of the bug catcher. I KNOW I'm not fast enough to grab them on the fly, so-to-speak.

In the meantime, looking out my window, we watch the deer grab a bite here and there! I know my lilacs could use a trim!
What is she looking at?

Her buddy!


  1. Oh they're lovely.. and you did a fine job of capturing (and especially releasing) those beetles.

  2. Love the impatience -- and really isn't it the most perfectly named flower to give to people who have helped out in times when you need it!

    You did well capturing those ladybugs (both in the bug catcher for "transplanting" and by camera!)

    When your lilacs bloom, I'll be getting jealous!

  3. oh, your mom's frog pond is gorgeous! so neat! my mother grew impatiens too. :)

  4. Love the ladybug photos! And your flowers...

  5. Was rather surprised to find impatience in Hawaii in the wild. They were a meter or more in height.

  6. I always loved impatiens because they did so well in the shade. I didn't know there were 20 spotted ladybugs!


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