
Wednesday, 22 February 2012

Family Day at my house

He's listening, cocks an ear!
Family Day was February 20th in Ontario.

A holiday in several provinces for several reasons: BC (in 2013), Alberta (1990), Manitoba, Saskatchewan,
PEI, Ontario.

In the US it was President's Day. For me, it was a day to rest, sit in the sunshine, and anticipate the snow and rain for Tuesday night!

The frog was chilly, at 6 C. in the shade in the morning. A sunny day, the cats sat with me as the sun warmed us up.
Buster listened to my every word.

Finally he deigned to look at me when I called his name!

By afternoon, Ms. Froggy read 15 in the sunshine!
Felix was showing off.
He knew I had cat treats
as he is a wanderer...

In the backyard,
a mourning dove sits having a nap.


  1. I always enjoy your cat pictures so much.

  2. Mmmm. Sounds like a lovely, relaxing day! Buster and Felix are handsome cats.

  3. I love your photos today - as usual. You seem to capture the personality of the cats so well! Enjoy the sunshine!

  4. Your porch is inviting even when froggy is so cold!

  5. Time for thoughts to turn to spring!
    Nice photos Jenn.

  6. I wish I could have rested instead of doing the Aloha Run. Family Day sounds like a fabulous idea.

  7. Our cat would dearly love to get out in the sun like that, snow or no snow. - Margy


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