
Wednesday 27 July 2011

Snakes in Ontario

I don't mind snakes. I can't say I brake for them, as they look like a stick!
I must say I've ridden my bike past a few roadkill snakes. Pretty gross.

I have a couple of resources to help me identify snakes, frogs, especially tree frogs, trees, snapping turtles, beavers, painted turtles, ducks and geese, and the other wonders of the rural scene in cottage country.

Lots of snakes about recently. I stepped on one the other day. I don't know how. I screamed like a girl!

Walking across the lawn, which must be an acre in size, I stepped on the middle of something that curled up around my foot on both sides. I guess I was swatting the deer flies, and not watching where I was going. [We've had the odd case of Lyme Disease around here, too. The bugs are bad.]

Rattler range
A garter snake, it was, poor thing. I picked it up and it was alive, took it to the brush. What a surprise!

I haven't any rattle snake photos. They simply aren't around here, fortunately, although I like them letting me know I'm disturbing them. Thanks for the photo by Bruce Clark.

Rattle snakes in Ontario exist more in Central Ontario, around Georgian Bay. As a child, spending summers in Muskoka, I recall them blasting to put roads through the rock cuts. It disturbed the rattlers, and while we saw the odd one before, they began to move out. With habitat loss, and people randomly killing them, their range has radically shrunk.

There are four populations: Bruce Peninsula, SE in the Georgian Bay range, Ojibway and the Wainfleet range.
For more info on Massasauga rattlers:

ALSO in Ontario: Eastern Milk, Norther Water, Eastern Hognose, Fox, and so on.
Northern Redbelly

Eastern Garter snake
rat snake
They are such hams!
garter snake

rat snake

water snake
water snake

Rattle Snake - courtesy Bruce Clark
Eastern massassagua rattler


  1. Gee whiz, you and my son are going to give me nightmares. He watches snakes on tv and here you are with more. gross.... I don't like snakes one bit. They scare the beegeebees out of me.

  2. A neighbour spotted a rattler in the ditch a few weeks ago and I've seen them on the road by the Walker's Point Community Centre. On the Muskoka Bird Board, a fellow documented the biggest rattler he's ever seen in the Torrance Barrens recently. There are lots of them by Camp Beacon and warnings on the path's at Hardy Lake. Since they are all around and I'm forever vigilant!

  3. I like the little garter snakes we have. Kids really like them if you pick them up for them. We don't have rattle snakes here but they're not too far away.For critters like these where the habitat is fragmented life can be very difficult and then when somebody steps on one of the poor little critters well.....

  4. Eastern Garter Snake, O friend of my childhood!

    Here in Hawaii we are keeping them OUT! (cross fingers)

    Aloha from Waikiki;

    Comfort Spiral


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  5. I just wrote a post that will go up in the next few days about snakes in Hawaii. We're having a real problem with people keeping them for pets and then possibly letting they escape.

  6. Don't worry I would scream like a girl too anytime I had a snake curl around my foot too!!!! I avoid them whenever possible but still find them interesting as long as they don't bite me, fall on me, chase me, or TALK to me! W.C.C.


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