
Sunday 7 June 2009

What to bring to the cottage

  1. LIFEJACKETS are a must. Label yours as the wind can pick them up and take them down wind!
  2. CLOTHING: Ensure that you bring clothes to allow for every weather condition. Life by the water can be cool in the night while hot in the day. We are often 5 degrees cooler than, for example, Toronto only a couple of hours to the south. Several sets of clothes are wise for kids. I know mine always had a 'soaker' within the first hour of their visit. Long sleeves are important -again- just in case! Boots, extra shoes, hats, rain gear, warm sweaters.
  3. PHARMACEUTICALS: Be prepared with toiletries that include sun lotion, bug spray, and moisturizer for those inevitable dry skin or sun burn episodes. Band-aids and a First Aid kit are important tools. If you have allergies, bring antihistamines. Remember tylenol and other medications, just in case. Get regular Rx refilled, too. We take handkerchiefs, so as not to add to our garbage.
  4. ENTERTAINMENT: I firmly believe that 'when in Rome do as the Romans do' - cottage life means Scrabble, Monopoly, Backgammon, Sorry, card games, activity books (Soduko or crosswords!) NOT computers and computer games. Writing and drawing pads. This is a great time to do a BIG puzzle - set it up out of the way and work on it when you feel like it.
  5. READING MATERIALS: Visit the (local?) library and find some books. I save my magazines to read by the lake. There are many good books on Cottage Life that include information on wild life, crafts for kids, for example. If you visit a small, local book store you will find books by local authors.
  6. FOOD: I used to bring peanut butter, jam, and other necessities in a cooler, which is always handy. If you rent ensure that you have flour, sugar, spices, etc. as well as tissues & toilet paper.
  7. EMERGENCY ITEMS: Power outages can happen, especially in isolated cottages. Flashlights, batteries. Canned food.

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