
Sunday 7 June 2009

Doe, a deer, a female deer SS #55

From an old family slide: a deer in the shadows...

They seem to be going around.
The month of June... Bondi resort has one.

The Bambi's mom left the babe while she went for groceries!!! Click on the image to visit Bondi for the full story, and another another follow-up post. Bondi Resort was where my family went skiing in the days when I was a kid, and less nubile, but less menopausal, too. Those passages of life! We would rent in their resort and ski the last weekend in January. The parents went cross country skiing, and the kids downhill. I drove my first (and last) snowmobile there.

I don't know when my mom shot these (60s?), but I am in the long-sleeved pink shirt! I spent the family fortune converting slides into digital images. It was well worth it!

And doe, a deer, another: at Ontario Wanderer...


  1. aww! look at that little guy! so sweet. Nice shadows too.
    & I think your hopes are wonderful, we could all learn to respect the water & air & land, that would be a good thing!

  2. What fun shadow shots! And from "back then"! Had to be fun finding these! Thanks for sharing! Have a great weekend!

  3. Love this photo. I'd love to be that close one!

  4. These are great! I love that you've converted your old family slides to digital images to share :)


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