
Tuesday 2 June 2009

My World Tuesday

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The geese have hatched, goslings are flocking to our shores! ("Scuse the pun!)

All of our birds like to sit on this berm at the lakehore.

They are so fuzzy and cute. The mom was quite vigilant. I heard our crow cawing, and she perked up and watched and listened. She continually scans the sky.

The goslings kindly kept on eating bugs. I threw out some cracked corn to boost their nutrition. It was too cold and windy for them to go up on the land and eat our clover. They sat under mom for hours, having a snooze.


  1. Great shots, they look so sweet.

  2. they are so cute...the shot of them watching their mom in the it.
    have a wonderful evening.

  3. Thanks for the great photos of the goose family. The goslings are so cute.

  4. Those are great shots! and they are soooo cute. Mom does indeed look vigilant! Thanks for sharing a lovely corner of your world! Have a great week!

  5. They are so cute. I love the picture of them scampering away from the water.

  6. new life abounds. how delightfully cute these little ones are.

  7. Your pictures are really nice! Very cute little fellows! Thank you for visiting my blog!

  8. Oh, the fuzzy little babies! So cute!! Thanks for sharing! :-)

  9. Seems like geese are everywhere, great shots.

    Have a great week
    Regina In Pictures

  10. They are everywhere, but we only have one mom and 4 goslings. We are usually visited by two pairs and one singleton, Lonesome Charlie!

    They visit and then disappear. Kinda like the tourists!

    Thanks, all for visiting my wee goslings. They don't mind the cats,or me, but the crow worries them. They have been sitting on the pile of leaves for the entire day, in the pouring rain. Poor things. Mom is keeping them warm.

  11. Hi Jenn,
    I love the shot of the goslings running out of the water. Sounds as though your crow is jealous - he wants some of that corn.

  12. I agree, Barb! I don't think the crow would go after the goslings, do you? Cycle of life and all that...

  13. Wonderful pictures! Live long and prosper, Goslings!

  14. They are cute, aren't they? I love the attitude we're being given by the lead gosling in the first photo.

  15. these are really excellent. I love these families.

  16. Oh I love the picture with the goslings wonderful
    When I used to live in holland in the polder once a year huge flocks of canadian geese stroke down on the field That was a great experience

  17. Great goslings! So cute, then they're gone.

  18. I've been trying to capture mallard chicks with my camera today but rain made it difficult. You've done an excellent job.

  19. Aren't they fun? It's true, though, like children you turn around and they are adults. Mom, Eva, tolerates me quite well now, but not anyone else, kinda like my husband's cats... one-person critters.

    Yes, that lead gosling might be the one that sat in the cold and the wind yesterday, everyone else was under mom's wings. Usually the male is around, too. I worry where Eddie has gone! Perhaps the w/e tourists have bothered him.

  20. love the pics of the geese! Sandy and i have been following several families worth of goslings and we are enjoying watching them grow before our eyes.

  21. Wonderful to watch the littles grow. Thanks for sharing.

  22. Love those little cuties tugging along with their Mom. Great photos. Have a great week.

  23. Fine place for birds lovers.
    Very nice pics, a morning gift.

  24. Gorgeous photos, especially the one on the right. Isn't spring wonderful?

  25. I love your world full of goslings. With our bit if raun at last, the wild ducks are making mating noises. Our world down under is a bit up-side-down, winter id beginning and our cows arw calving, sheep are lambing and ducks are nesting. It all has to do with the fact of the country greening up after the autumn rains.

  26. How cute. The goslings are super cute. Thanks for sharing these with us.

  27. Those shots are wonderful. I hope to see some baby geese when I get back up the cabin, but usually they don't come out of the Hole until they are much larger. Maybe if I take my kayak back I'll see them along the muddy shore. - Margy

  28. Love the gossling walk in the first shot. All captures great.

  29. I love these shots...

    We have goslings at all stages of growth, at our local lake. they are so much fun to watch..


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