
Wednesday, 4 December 2024

PART CXVII Process of Cancer Treament

Virtual doctor's appointment

 There was a video appointment with the Ottawa surgeon Joe sees for his prostate cancer. Diagnosed in 2013, his surgery was January 2014. Post-surgery his PSA count began to rise. This was a bad thing. These were cancer cells. Since then he's been having quarterly PSA tests and then Lupron injections. It is a common treatment for prostate cancer.

 COVID had an interesting impact on healthcare. Zoom appointments were suddenly acceptable. PSA test results were available online when they were posted. It was such a relief. 

In the old days we used to have to wait a couple weeks to see the GP so he can 'interpret' the test results. It is far better to know the results ASAP.

We are up to so many appointments (PART CXVII). It is much easier doing them in here, rather than driving the 90 minutes to Ottawa, fighting people doing 20 km above the speed limit, passing, having to find parking, a meal, coping with rush hour traffic. 

Our physician specialist is terrific. He often has interns. This keeps a doctor on their toes. A real leadership role. I know I learned a lot from having student teachers. Our latest 'appointment' was a hoot. OK, embarrassing, for me. Frustrating. You know when you do something oh, say, once a year?! 

An intern appeared on the Zoom screen. Efficient, showing patience with patients, she reminded us we were muted. We've been doing this for awhile. It still gets the stress levels up. Usually I set Joe up at the dining room table on my laptop. It's easier than the iPad. I'd cleared my cache to resolve an issue. What a mistake. I couldn't log in on my laptop. 

Plan B was to log in on the iPad, but first I couldn't get the sound to work, and then the video konked out. The doctor was so patient. I kept thinking how feeble we looked! I have an M.Ed. in Curriculum and Technology!  Seriously! Joe did it by audio, the intern checked in with the doctor, came back to us and we have a plan. 

PART CXVI – Nov. 12th, quarterly Lupron injection in Perth. 
PART CXVII – Dec. 2 on Zoom. Next follow up Nov., 2025 (F-2-F), PSA tests every 6 months, not quarterly. Although, they thought we could do them annually. That was a bit worrisome to Joe.

It took awhile to wind down from that. Fortunately, we had entertainment. 


  1. I am glad you have a treatment plan.
    Take care, have a great day!

  2. I'm sure every appointment comes with its degree of stress and I'm so glad you don't have to add a long road trip to and from in traffic to that stress. Sending all good wishes that the results help keep things on the status quo. Isn't it nice to do a video appointment? Such a good idea!

  3. As cumbersome as technology can be, what a joy to avoid the trip.

  4. Oh how our technology is only going to work when we have done everything exactly right...still GIGO. Glad all worked out in the end, and also that stress level was much more manageable than going to office for test! Hey, I can read comments again!!

  5. Hari Om
    Seconding Anvils comment. YAM xx

  6. Even with all the technical issues it is good to not have to drive to Ottawa. That sounds like a good & nice medical team.

  7. Zoom and I are not friends. I am glad that your doctor was patient and that you avoided the long drive. I hope all goes well - and hooray for a treatment plan. I love your distractions too.

  8. Being able to do more things from home is really nice.

  9. I have a shorter drive for my prostate cancer appointments. Only going to Hamilton which is about 25 km of. mostly backroads. Shorter on the 403 but I do not drive on the 400 highways any more. My cancer seems to be under control and I only have to go in every 3 months now for lab work. PSA way down now.

  10. Medical techniques have changed greatly. they try and resolve as much as possible over the phone .

  11. So good you don't have a long drive to add stress to the appointment. I'm glad there is a treatment in place.

  12. Grateful that excellent care is available and I'm holding positive thoughts for you both. Aloha friends

  13. Thank goodness for the entertainment! Zoom calls are a boon but sometimes things can get tricky as we found ourselves. I do love this part of technology though. So glad you don't have to keep going on long journeys and all they involve for a lot of these appointments.

  14. Time to catch up! Thankfully the VA does have appointments like this for us. It saves us 4.5 hours of driving sometimes for a 15 minute appointment.
    We've had the same issues with our appointments and also they've had it at their end.
    I think all doctor appts are stressful.


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