Tuesday, 17 December 2024


We had rain overnight. The snow is melting. It looks awful out there. Let's see what today brings. I've had it with news. I've had it with politics. Not just the actual facts, but the negative, snarky stuff out there as people try to diminish others. 

Yes, Monday, garbage day. I didn't even get dressed yesterday. I threw my long winter coat overtop. Out to the garage I went. One garbage can and one recycling bin. Not feeling 100%, I've lost 3 kg., which I could stand to lose! Ah well. I had a bad dream and screamed out loud this morning, not too loudly, but I'd slept through the night. You know how that is. A miracle. Woo hoo. Joe woke up, but went back to sleep. 
he day begins.

I was so proud of myself. I'd trimmed a branch, thought I'd solved the problem! Squirrel wins again...


Tom said...

...squirrels ALWAYS win!

Jeanie said...

I was so mad at myself -- I missed the garbage truck. Which means it will stack till December 30. Ah well, we'll cope!

Barbara Rogers said...

There are Mondays like that for me too, but at least yesterday was an ok day. Just doing what needs to be done. Squirrel vs. you will be a continuing saga, I think.

Anvilcloud said...

Do the squirrels ever lose?

Far Side of Fifty said...

Me too with the Politics I am so over it and doom and gloom that some are predicting. The United States are not so United anymore. Squirrels are pretty adaptable to their surroundings unlike people!

RedPat said...

You can't win against a squirrel! ;-)

Elephant's Child said...

I too am over the news. And ration my exposure to it.
I would love some rain. Again.
And glad you had a day of being kind to yourself.

tz_garden said...

Best thing you can do is turn the news off! Good for you.

Red said...

We wouldn't know what to do if we had an upright politician to deal with

Ontario Wanderer said...

I guess we are lucky, Our squirrel baffle is a plastic disk about 50 cm in diameter and now held together with wire as it has been cracked for years. The pole with the feeder and disk are just far enough away from our porch and nearby trees that squirrels cannot jump to the feeder. Squirrels keep climbing up the pole but cannot get past the disk as it is slippery and tilts when they try to climb on it. No squirrels at our feeder for years now.

eileeninmd said...

Love the birds, the squirrels just seem come and take over the feeders. Take care, have a wonderful day!