
Sunday, 17 November 2024

The saga of the wood

I've stacked some new wood. This is what I have stacked so far. I moved most of the smaller stuff.

This was a bit much. It needed to be split. My newest wood pile was waiting to be stacked. A friend offered to help, but Joe was worried the two of us couldn't handle it. The logs were big.

The Aussie came and split it for me on Thursday, Nov. 14th. They'd moved it to the shed Nov. 13. 

I'm whittling away at it... 😏 This I stacked while he was splitting it.

This was Thursday afternoon.

A beautiful day to be outdoors. 

I went back at it Friday morning, but took breaks, and photos. But first I found the heavy metal wheelbarrow wobbly. 

Note To Self: check your equipment. The tire was flat. Hah!

Joe was out walking, and brought me some water. He cannot lift the wood. I'm happier if he doesn't. He has terrible back issues. He certainly helped my dad stack wood back in the day in Muskoka.

The dead elms were hosts to termites. This is amazing. 

We had termites in Muskoka. They are creepy little things, and strong!

After some time I realized I should brought me a chair from the house.  Then I really looked around... DUH! It is both decorative and useful.

I kept at it. Progress Friday afternoon! We decided to go out to Merrickville for lunch. It was Joe's birthday. (More on that later!) I needed the break. 


The moon rose over the wood pile. I couldn't manage a decent photo. I couldn't remember the settings, nor find them. You get the picture, though. We bloggers are nothing if not imaginative!

Another look at bug patterns. Very interesting. (Joe said to take breaks!)

Saturday I kept at it, and we are done! 


  1. You certainly don't need to go to a gym for exercise! Whew, I'm tired just looking at that pile of wood. Were the termites alive? Won't they start chomping on other wood now, maybe the shed? Sorry, just my worrisome thoughts. I change them by thinking of the lovely fires you'll warm your feet at on cold nights.

  2. ...that wood should keep you warm this winter.

  3. My friend says " A shed full of firewood is like a shed full of hay for the cattle". We have lit( Well Hugh did) the fire twice last week, and have enough firewood for 3 more fires!!! And if anyone says " It must be wonderful to have your own wood", wer had that at our previous home, and we both know what hard work it is. Never mind Jenn, winter days and nights will be warm and cosy. The Aussie, what a great name and good way to get the bigs logs split.

  4. Nice wood pile and some warm fires this winter.

  5. The only time I ever had to cut and stack wood was when I lived in West Virginia for a year. One Winter there was enough for me. lol I had a wood stove for heating and cooking, that was an experience. I know how much work that is. Good job.

  6. I used to enjoy stacking wood. But that's a LOT of wood you stacked.

  7. What a job! I hope you had a nice hearty meal when you were done :)

  8. Oh my goodness, Jenn! You are totally amazing. That was a lot of work, but it looks beautiful and you're ready for winter.

  9. Very impressive work with the wood. I need to do a bit of that too. Our wood is mostly from smaller trees so is easier to cut, split and stack.

  10. Hello,
    It is hard work stacking fire wood. We were always afraid to keep a stack of wood too close to the house due to termites. Take care, have a great week!

  11. Happy Birthday to Joe! These are really terrific photos -- that restaurant looked beautiful. And the pink hair is fun!


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