
Friday, 11 October 2024

More froggies...

 Things have cooled off here. It was fairly sudden. And, yes, it is football season for Joe!

🐸Moving the froggies <= up to 16 this year. (Nothing like the 144 last year.)

I am still trying to capture Jeremiah bullfrog. It is time. The kids were here last weekend and caught him. I should have let them move him. It seems too late now. I haven't seen him for several days. Me bad.

In the meantime, there are several leopard and green frogs who need to be moved. The freeze/thaw of Climate Change means the goldfish pond is too shallow for them. 

Down at the frog pond, there are some red leaves.

It is so bright and green in the frog pond. For now!

Cinnamon came 'walkies' with me. We had a mission.

He helped nudge them into the pond for me. I left and he sat here until I returned with another frog.

My pumpkins are out. Things unfold as they should.

We are being careful with respiratory issues on the rise. Hospital visits are up in our health unit. I'm sure it is a familiar story.

Stay safe, warm, dry and be careful out there!


  1. Cute cat sitting help with the froggies. Yep, the newest covid is making rounds. Get your latest covid, RSV and flu shots and mask up where there's lotsa folks, like the drug store and grocery store. Linda in Kansas

  2. Cinnamon is cute. I don't see many frogs here in Las Vegas, I'm sure they're here I just don't see them. Loved the pictures.

  3. Love the cute kitty and the frog. I love your heron statue.
    Take care, have a wonderful weekend.

  4. I much prefer frogs to football. Tastes vary.

  5. The poor frogs may want to be moved after this weekend as I think are warm weather will be over.

  6. Yay moving Jeramiah Bullfrog! I shopped in a big box store today and my friend gave me a face mask to wear. Lots of us older folks had them on, while lots of young people gave us the eye!

  7. You are such an angel to these little frogs. Nice to see Cinnamon helping out. Things are on the rise here also. Very disturbing so I will wish us all to stay free and clear. Aksi wishing you and Joe a very happy weekend.

  8. If Joe is a football guy, he should be in for a good autumn.


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