
Thursday, 17 October 2024

Red Maple

 I've been watching our maple tree. Some photos are better than others. 

ash-leaf/box elder maple, I think

This is the view from the highway.

I wandered down there, and saw three red cars go by. I thought a red vehicle might compliment the maple colours. I waited, and waited! 

Finally, I gave up as the orange car seemed to do nicely!

The traffic has been noisy. People are in such a hurry.



  1. The orange car blended in nicely. This is awesome for you to be able to see these flaming colors of fall. so very pretty. You are right...everyone is in a big hurry...With colors like the trees right now, you would think they would want to travel slowly so they could admire God's beauty. Have a great Thursday..

  2. Beautiful colors and trees! Take care, have a great day!

  3. I noticed in years past, that south facing sides of trees were the ones to turn colors first. But this seems to be an exception. I've got just a few maple leaves that are oranging up so far. But this will be our week.

  4. Beautiful red leaves, the orange car did its best to give some more colour.!!!

  5. Beautiful fall foliage. Our trees are just starting to color.

  6. And those cars go way too fast. Must be hard to get out of your driveway?

  7. You had a good time watching traffic and counting cars.

  8. It does not look like our ash-leaf maples and I was leaning toward the silver maple but that does not quite fit either. I suspect a cultivar of ash-leaf maple rather than the native one. Regardless, it is beautiful!

  9. Pretty tree! Fun to see Fall color:) I like the orange car too:)


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