
Sunday, 29 September 2024

Hurricane Season

Hurricane Helene made its way up from Mexico, to Florida, then Tropical Storm Helene kept on going. Once it hit land, its power was reduced, but the tornados and rainfall caused much damage, and much flooding. They estimate 3 million without power.

I looked to NOAA to see what was going on. These fabulous scientists, researchers, and pilots have planes filled with equipment to measure and track the storm. I went to Flight Radar to check on them.  

They are right in the storm here!

This is a video of them in the cockpit of the plane. 

And another!

I think we've 3 more days of decent weather. For this I am grateful. Soon I won't be outside watching the skies. Not without a blanket! 

I could hear this flying overhead. 


I heard the emergency helicopter over head, probably to take someone from Perth Hospital to Brockville Hospital.

There are a few things to do before the warmth is gone. We've a few days of 20+ ℃ temperatures. I've some spray painting to do, my teak chair needs a coat of Teak Oil. 


  1. That's a house boat, scary and tragic. How does anyone cope with that massive disaster Brave men in the plane, I would be SO scared.

  2. ...Hurricane Helene was tragic!

  3. Sounds like a busy few days are in store for you.
    I texted my brother this morning, he is in Virginia and he said they just had power outages, trees down and a few roads closed.
    Nothing like what happened in other places.
    Interesting NOAA Stuff!

  4. What a storm over there! It seems to be blowing harder than in the Netherlands. It’s great to see those airplanes with you! Good luck with the spray painting— do your teak chair often needs a good coat of teak oil?

  5. And the hurricanes just keep getting more powerful and more frequent, and we keep paving over more land so the water has nowhere to go.

  6. My heart goes out to all those affected by more wild weather. Enjoy your sunny days. Our temperatures are similar at the moment.

  7. It turned out to be a nice day here.
    The orange helicopters seem to be based at the Island airport so their flight pattern goes right over us. I hate to see it going but hopefully it is off to help someone who needs it.

  8. Happy hat we don't have those storms here. Sorry that you are in danger.

  9. The hurricanes are so darn scary. We are always worried about them in Hawaii as well. Helene was devastating.


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