
Tuesday, 20 August 2024

August is fleeing by!

 Cinnamon and I were out back reading. Suddenly I heard him murping. His eyes were closed. Then I heard the hummingbird! It was hovering on the other side of the deck railing chirping at him through the rail. Then he woke up and did that cat maa-aaa-aaa thing they do when they see birds. 

The hummer observed him carefully! He didn't budge, though!

A little grey tree frog, actually grey, although they can change colour according to where they are! Isn't it cute? Soon they will hunker down in the leaf debris and sleep away the winter.

You can see the bucket out on the deck. It was filled with aquarium gravel. I had to put the gravel back into the tank, and rinse it off. Joe was out front, or I would have called for help. Standing on the chair, I lifted it up over the rim, but I was afraid I'd drop it. That would destroy all my work cleaning and refreshing the caulking. With a cold week this week, I'll have to rinse out the gravel one more. 

 The Woodland Sunflowers, with a back drop! Life and art!


It is with great joy that I state that I lasted 9 minutes on the elliptical machine. I usually do 20 minutes, which I'll work back up to. That's the first workout since July 15 when COVID hit us. It's really cooled off, and indoor chores consume me. Good thing, as it was 11 ℃. this morning. 


  1. Here was quite cool, into the 50s F last night. I had windows open, and still do! Loved the intra-species talk between hummer and Cinnamon. Probably what many critters think of us when we talk to them! So glad you're feeling better!

  2. It's chilly for sure. I had my window open and the electric blanket on last night.

  3. Hoping you have a quick return to normalcy.

  4. We have 4C early today, still only 5.15 a.m . !!! That gravel, can you try and ladle a soup spoon full at a time ? Easier than the bucket, which might splash. Or even a small basin . Anything that makes life easier is what I look for now.

  5. Love that wee tree frog.It is still only about 18˚C here at 1:45 - crazy weather.

  6. The year (not just the month) is rocketing past isn't it? It is getting noticeably warmer here and I hope we don't lurch into summer too early.

  7. Good to read you were able to get back on the machine. Slow and steady wins the race :) How lovely you saw the hummer and sweet reaction from Cinnamon. It was a super day here yesterday, only 74 degrees F. A lovely little frog. I enjoy all your photos but the last one, Life and Art, very pretty and you chose the perfect title to describe it.

  8. I have a wild sunflower similar to yours. Mine blooms in the fall. They are a cheering sight :)


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