
Thursday, 4 July 2024

Phoebe, cherry tomatoes, Fred, et al

 Joe Brian looked at my images of the bombers from Canada Day. His uncle flew a Lancaster in WW II. He did not come back from the war. Aster took some great photos!

Happy July 4th to my American friends. 

Phoebe's 2nd brood hatched July 2nd. This is from a brood in the shed in another year. 

I watered the garden, as it is pretty dry. Watering the hanging planters is a daily task. Look at the cherry tomatoes!

The milkweed plants are so tall. It is a good year for them. I ordered some seeds online, but they haven't come yet. I'll have to wait for next year to sow those. 

Fred is looking tubby. They have a reproductive system like the deer. They are impregnated, but the fertilized eggs don't implant right away. They've a one-month gestation, so you'd think you'd notice teats by now. Babies are born hairless, and spend 44 days depending upon momma, but begin eating greens at three weeks. Maybe my research is moot! 

I've been hearing the rose-breasted grosbeak. It landed where the feeder used to be out the front window. This proof of life I snapped from my easy chair, while watching tennis. Thankfully, I've arched photos!

Wed., July 3rd

It began cloudy, but it cleared up. It was the day to test my aquarium fix. Removing most of the gravel, I realized that I should remove it all!  As I rotated the tank, a counter clockwise turn each time, it stuck in the newly laid caulk. I yelled for help from JB. He held the caulking gun each time I'd rotate. It really helped. 

I pulled the hose up from the middle deck, and a gray tree frog popped out of the middle. Filling it half full, we went to the TV to watch Canadians playing tennis. 

I left it for an undetermined amount of time, and there was a slow drip out the side that had the original leak. What's with this?! I'm not back to square one, at least the other corners are watertight. I'll need to do some more thinking. 


  1. Hello,
    The tomatoes look great. The babies in the nest are so cute and I love the Grosbeak photo. Have a great day!

  2. Hari OM
    Perhaps Fred is just showing the effects of having found a top spot with all the food required and little or not threat... YAM xx

  3. I enjoyed your blog, especially that one flying bird in your photo and, of course, Fred.

  4. I'm sorry the aquarium repair wasn't completely successful but trust you'll figure it out.

    We've seen the rose-breasted grosbeak here but only for a day or so as they pass through and not every year. Such beautiful birds!

    I'm too discouraged to hang out my traditional flag banner for decoration since it seems our Supreme Court has decided we need a king after all, but we are still planning on having burgers for lunch. My husband will use his ice cream maker to provide us with dessert.

  5. Well that's certainly a fat Fred, whether preggers or not! Sorry about the slow drip from that tank, which you've definitely spent so many hours working on! Loved seeing the planes.

  6. Thank you for another great nature post Jenn, with the information added too. Always enjoyed! The aerial shots are great too.

  7. Those phoebes are so dear! And I think Fred might really be Frederika! How fun is that! Enjoy!

  8. Fred certainly looks a bit overweight/pregnant. Babies will be fun around your deck.

  9. Is there a tiny crack in the glass? Talking of the flyover, yesterday a Hercules was flying in a westerly direction a little south of us, but I could not find it on the flight radar, maybe a NZ army plane? Hope you get the problem sorted, at least it is warm and dry to work outdoors, we have zero this morning!! Vancouver looks a lot more attractive by the day!!!

  10. Good luck with the final fix. NOT an easy job.

  11. Some of these problems are miserable nagging little challenges.

  12. It’s great to see the phoebes doing so well.

  13. That grosbeak is gorgeous!
    My daughter is having such an infestation of rabbits this year in Chicago. Her neighbor had planted milkweed for the butterflies and couldn't believe the bunnies ate it down to the stub too. Amazing!


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