
Monday, 15 July 2024

Dehydrated water, bugs and blooms

 It was an amazing weekend. Great to see the kids. JL went to Las Vegas for a few days for business and pleasure earlier in the week. It was 47 ℃ and the dry heat was horrible. 

JL flew, with 2 buddies, and real pilots on a Sky Combat Ace Extreme flying event. The three men flew with three pilots in a two-person plane. It was epic. He showed us the footage. He came home Friday, then they came for a sleepover Saturday night. 

He brought home a 'Close Eyes' for Caitlin.

Things are quieter here at the house. I'm watching the catterpigglies, as my mom used to call them. I have figured this one out. Yellow wooly bear moth! There is power in sticking together, I suppose.

Then there is this little fly!

oxomerus geminatus the Eastern Calligrapher, 

 a common species of syrphid fly 

The sphinx moths have been out in the dark. I showed them to Jo before bed.

It may or may not be these who appear on the camera. I may never know. Maybe I'll try when the bugs lessen.

On the weekend, Caitlin and I sat out front and watched the hummingbird going to this flower. I told her that the bees were chasing the hummer away!
Giant Knapweed and a honey bee!

Lobelia siphilitica, the great blue lobelia, or blue cardinal flower. I bought a plant at a pop-up plant sale up highway #511, and it has spread to give me 9 plants.

That time of year: water lilies! Can you see froggie?! It must be Jeremiah.

Garbage is out. So are the deerflies. Another day begins. 


  1. Cool airplanes! Love your water lilies, and the dehydrated water takes the cake!

  2. The can of water is weird, like something in a Civil Defense shelter. WHAT does it do if it requires water to be added to it? Make more than a gallon of water? Maybe the birds and caterpillars would like it. Linda in Kansas

  3. We were out early to get the yardwaste to the curb for pick up - at 7am it was already so close you couldn't breathe for the heat & oh the bugs are already out in full force. Your mr frog, Jeramiah looks quite content in his comfy home.

  4. Oh good, waterlilies. I see Jeremiah.

  5. Dehydrated water 🤣

    I love seeing the flowers and caterpillars. I'd love more caterpillars here, but I've had no luck attracting them since my rue died out.

  6. The dehydrated water cracks me up!

  7. The deerflies are just brutal here too. The bats are keeping the mozzies in check thank goodness. One buzzed my head a few nights ago that surprised me, but I'm well beyond being afraid of them.

  8. Love the waterlilies and the frog.

  9. Always love your photos in nature. "Catterpigglies", how I love that name!

  10. Enjoy your day - and thank you for the beauty you share.

  11. Such a beautiful post. Thank you!

  12. It's that time of year when there's lots of action in the plant and animal world.


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